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Rhodiola - Natural Phenibut

29 Dec 2016

You probably noticed that I'm trying to select titles to articles with the most succinct description, so you can immediately understand what it is about. Rhodiola is not naturally related to the Phenibut connection, but their effects are very similar. Therefore, if, for some reason you do not like the pills and prefer so to speak, natural foods and herbs, then Rhodiola - a worthy alternative. Now in more detail.

Rhodiola, Phenibut, endurance

Rhodiola plant belongs to the traditional Chinese medicine. It grows at altitudes ranging from 1 to 5-km altitude. This supplement is popular in Western countries, China and Mongolia. In Russia, it is also called "golden root".

The main active ingredients in Rhodiola - Phenols. This organic compound whose molecules include a phenyl radical which in turn is connected with the hydroxyl groups. Such a definition will understand only chemists, we know well enough that this plant a great many sorts of different nutrients. Then there are succinic acid, flavonoids and terpinoidy (major components of ginkgo biloba) and other trace elements.

Rhodiola, Phenibut

What do all of these substances, working in tandem?

How does Rhodiola act?
Because our current plant does not consist of a single substance, or even two, to describe the mechanism of action is not quite simple, because it works differently. Identify the synergistic effect of these substances can be:

  • 1.Neurogenesis. Construction and healing of nerve cells. The study was conducted in rats with injured sciatic nerve. Rats treated with one of the active ingredients of Rhodiola showed shorter time nerve repair. The same effect was observed and Eleutherococcus.
  • 2.Increased stamina, decrease fatigue. Perhaps this is the proven effect of the plant. Research on this subject a lot. Not to be unfounded, I was looking for numbers on how much can improve endurance. These numbers vary from 8.5% to 20% compared with placebo, and a dose-dependent effect. That is, the more Rhodiola consume, the better the effects. But remember that you can die and the water, so do not try to consume as much as possible.
  • 3.The antidepressant action. The study included 89 people of different ages, duration: 6 weeks. There were three groups: placebo, 340 mg of Rhodiola extract, per day, 680 mg of Rhodiola extract, per day. Reducing the amount of depression symptoms ranged from 30% to 50%, the effect was also dose-dependent. It can add an antidepressant and anti-stress effect. Rhodiola extract improved subjective well-being.
  • 4.Improving mental activity. It is necessary to indicate immediately that this effect is confirmed in the context of increased fatigue. For example, in the evening, Rhodiola is more noticeable effect on intelligence, you will simply be better to focus more energy and, consequently, there will be less mistakes in work and higher efficiencies.
  • 5.Antioxidant action. Protection of cells from damage by oxidation. Because of this effect, Rhodiola can greatly help in the treatment of the consequences of alcohol and drug abuse, in the complex therapy, as well as older people.
  • 6. Increasing serotonin. In a study on rats, Rhodiola restored low serotonin levels to normal values, the dosage was huge by human standards, 1-5 grams per kg. The additive increases the permeability for serotonin 5HT-1A receptor, reduces 5-HT3.

Another controversy is the inhibition of monoamine oxidase and acetylcholinesterase. Recall MAO or monoamine oxidase - is something like strict teacher in the school, which constantly monitors the order and expels small backbiters. MAO in the brain, keeps order in the neurotransmitters to make it as much as you need. But there are substances which inhibit MAO work if a strong inhibition or braking, the class begins chaos if moderately, then everything is fine. The unusual even in MAO activity, but it is all people are different.

Acetylcholinesterase - an enzyme that "controls" only acetylcholine. There are studies saying that Rhodiola inhibits monoamine oxidase and acetylcholinesterase. On the other hand, MAO inhibition has been questioned. It can be assumed that the effect is negligible.

Rhodiola course
The additive is relatively safe and has few side effects. I also found the effects of overdose.
Because Rhodiola - this plant, the methods of consumption are limited only by imagination. There capsule / tablet with an extract, you can also purchase alcohol tinctures or grass to fill with boiling water / alcohol.
Take Rhodiola up to 2 months before meals 2-3 times a day. The daily dosage includes a range from 300 to 700 mg of extract, while, as has been said - upper limit is not certain. The additive can be taken every day to improve the overall vitality, reduce the dosage of 50-100 mg.
In Russian pharmacies popular alcoholic tincture Rhodiola. The instruction to increase said single dosage of from 10 to 40 drops, to food intake, 2-3 times a day. In practice, I have friends and daily dosage reaches the bottle (30ml), and side effects were observed, observed only a powerful anti-stress effect, and worse, and good mood. But not necessarily that it will at all.

Effects of Rhodiola
Much has been listed previously, the most noticeable effects are: anti-stress and increase stamina when tired.
Unlike Phenibut has no mood lifting. But mild to moderate depression, Rhodiola can help.

What combine with Rhodiola
In one study, there was a strong effect on appetite suppressant in combination with St. John's wort. Dosages for humans is unknown.
Rhodiola potentially enhances serotonin, so you can try it to mix supplemented with 5-HTP, which is a precursor to serotonin.
Interestingly combination with other adaptogens for even greater performance.
As a general rule be mixed with neutral substances on a scale of sedation, stimulation, given the unpredictability of the effects!

Bottom line:

- Rhodiola - it is an effective supplement, which has a powerful anti-stress effect. It improves mental and physical performance, especially in the presence of fatigue. According Phenibut effects similar to, but does not improve the mood.

- To take a course of up to 2 months at doses of 300-700 mg of extract per day. If you take less than 100 mg, the course is lengthened.

- Combining with other adaptogens or other supplements.

Become a better! Until we meet again.

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