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Report about Course of Nootropics: Nervous System

22 Dec 2016

Especially I will not write the whole book. He wanted to drink away the course of nootropics, which should build new nerve cells. Decided to check how the nootropics through blood tests. More specifically: ELI-H TEST 12 and hormones. Before the course did not take anything for 1 month. I handed over analyzes, took course, I passed the tests again, tracked the dynamics))

Course of nootropics

All dosages per diem:

Noopept 30 mg

- Semax 0,1% (only in the last week)

- Curcumin 1000 mg

- Ashwagandha 1500 mg

- Niacin 100 mg

- Green tea drink every day

- Melatonin 2-3 mg at bedtime ( about a day)

- Omega-3 according instructions

- Rhodiola in tincture and Schisandra in tincture (1-bottle at 45 days).

All this takes for 45 days, from 17 February to 2 nd April 2016. In addition nootropics, I added 1 cardio workout per week (running), as there are animal studies, neurotrophic factors in increasing sports mice. In terms of food / bad habits does not have any change. Although at the end of the course, for some unknown reason to me, beginning to pull on canned fish. Only last week, and they ate for dinner.

Parsing analyzes: Nervous System
This section will be as succinct and simple description of the performance! Each value is represented by antibodies! That is, when the number was 100, and was 90, the fewer antibodies. For all the antibodies of this test is passed the reference range from -20 to +10, natural norm for the average person.

  • 1. Antibodies to the protein NF-200. This protein is associated with the construction of the nerve cells directly. In particular, it is responsible for neurite outgrowth. Axon - a process of nerve cell, its task - to communicate with other cells. The axons are better developed, the more interwoven nerve cells, and it is good!

Index Before “-4” " Index after": 6. Changes in the normal range, but the amount of antibodies was more.

  • 2.GFAP. This protein is associated with gliosis. This is when the nerve cell dies, and in place of it there quickly glial cells. Bad process headaches and impaired motor coordination in the future, at least. The growth of anti-GFAP - signs of gliosis. And now, attention! Index "Before “-2”. Index "after": +26. The number of antibodies has increased dramatically.
  • 3.S100. Marker damage to brain tissue in cerebral circulatory disorders. Responsible for the creation and development of serotonergic neurons. Index "Before" -5. Index "after": 2.
  • 4.Myelin basic protein. Myelin - a protective layer shell for axons. It is like rubber, insulates the axon and in it passing impulses from the external environment. Index "Before" +8. Index "after": 17.
  • 5.Voltage-dependent of Ca-channel. Remember the concept of "polarization" and "depolarization". This channel promotes nerve impulse. If human neural impulses pass too easily, it can be detected in the muscle twitches. More severe conditions - the coordination of movements. Index "Before" -23. Index "after": -17.
  • 6.Cholinergic receptors. The most important "nootropic" indicator. Choline, acetylcholine, cholinergic receptors - it can be said, the main intellectual brain platform. And initial indicators seem to me a consequence of piracetam. Index "Before" -20. Index "after": -18.
  • 7.Glutamate receptors. As the voltage-dependent channel participates in the providence of nerve impulses - namely, their speeds. Well, if you read such articles, the glutamate should be familiar. Index "Before": -17. Index "after": -9.
  • 8.GABA receptors. GABA - inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA receptors, respectively, responsive to the action of GABA. As with previous receptors, they perform better than - the higher the sensitivity. Meaning "to": -14. Meaning "after": -8. Meaning "to": -12. Meaning "after": -12.
  • 9.Dopamine receptors. Connected with dopamine, the main motivator of our brain. It is dopamine - the object of influence of psychoactive drugs. The sensitive receptors - the less need for the body to dopamine motivation portions. Index "Before": -12. Index "after": -12.
  • 10.Serotonin receptors. The interaction with serotonin, a neurotransmitter are also quite popular. Its high levels seen in people with high social status. So he just gives a feeling of general well-being, and not the "happiness hormone" as it is like these call your internets. Index "Before" -3. Index "after": 2.
  • 11.Opiate receptors. Responsible for analgesia, euphoria, gastrointestinal tract, and more. And yes, you have correctly remembered their opioids, they are connected to this system. Index "Before" +9. Index "after": 13.
  • 12.Beta-endorphin. Cutting from Wikipedia: "The physiological function of beta-endorphin are manifold: it anaesthetising and antishock, anti-stress effect, and an inhibitory effect on the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in all its levels, and loss of appetite, and a decrease in tone of the sympathetic nervous system, braking secretory activity and motility in the gastrointestinal tract and many others ". Index "to": 93. Index "after": 17.


  • Significant changes have occurred in the beta-endorphin, a protein NF-200, of GFAP protein and myelin basic protein. Data on beta-endorphin I rechecked, sent a request to the clinic, they are data confirmed the cause did not understand. Perhaps it is the effects of a pleasure gatherings with friends a week before the tests, but everything was within a liter of beer.
  • After receiving all the possible additives affecting the nervous system, the strongest changes were just all the parameters associated with the neurons. Everywhere there was an increase in antibody levels to proteins. And it's strange, because the goal was the exact opposite.
  • On the other hand, we see only because antibodies! And what if the amount of protein and increased in proportion to the antibodies it has been growing. If this issue looks really knowledgeable person, please comment on it this time with the antibodies.
  • Receptors for the major neurotransmitters remained almost unchanged, then the CNS is not overloaded or in the direction of greater excitation or sedation of any side.
  • In the nervous system, the effect is there, proven tests. Antibodies were more, so either nootropics, growers nerves, on the contrary impair them, or the amount of active protein has become so large that rose and antibodies for a conditional balance.
  • The following story is the analysis of hormones: testosterone (total, free, DHT), estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, SHBG, bilirubin. The third part - the generalized information and a list of advanced additives to create new neurons.

Thank you for attention!

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