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Real threats of beer alcoholism

21 Jan 2019

The first German Reichskanzler, Bismarck, who knew firsthand about the harmful effects of drinking beer, said: "From beer are made lazy, stupid and powerless." The fact that there is a beer alcoholism has long been known. And although in the eyes of a man in the street he is less dangerous than wine and vodka, the consequences are devastating. In the XIX century, the English, fighting alcoholism, forced strong alcoholic beverages with beer, but the "beer law" had to be canceled, as this only aggravated drunkenness.

Real threats of beer alcoholism. Heptral. Phenotropil

Beer hits first of all after the heart
The most harmful consequence of the immense consumption of beer is a sick heart, enlargement of the heart cavities, thickening of its walls, necrosis in the heart muscle, a decrease in mitochondria, etc. These changes are due to the presence in cobalt beer, used as a stabilizer of beer foam. The content of this toxic element in the heart muscle in drinkers beer exceeds the permissible norm by a factor of 10. In addition, cobalt causes inflammatory processes in the esophagus and stomach.

There are other factors that disrupt the work of the heart in beer alcoholism. This, large portions of beer per day, as well as the saturation of beer with carbon dioxide. Getting into the body, beer quickly overflows blood vessels. This leads to varicose veins and widening the boundaries of the heart. So there is a syndrome of "beer heart" or "Capron stocking" syndrome, when the heart sags, becomes flabby and badly pumps blood. (Mildronate can help with this).

In beer contains a number of toxic substances, salts of heavy metals, causing changes in the endocrine system. Thus, in men with systematic use of beer, a substance is released that suppresses the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, and female sex hormones are produced. Men who drink beer grow breasts, it becomes wider than the pelvis. In women, the likelihood of developing cancer is increasing, and if it is a nursing mother, the child may have epileptic seizures. Even women become more rude voice, and there are so-called "beer mustaches".

As a result of studies conducted in 1985 in paid clinics in Canada by comparing beer drinkers with consumers of other alcohol products, it was established that the diagnosis of "palpable liver" is most often diagnosed in people who regularly consume beer.

From beer become alcoholics 4 times faster
Studies conducted in many countries show that chronic alcoholism develops 3-4 times faster from beer than from strong alcoholic products.

The damage to beer for the human body is enormous:
death of brain cells (which, when they die, go out with urine);
impaired spinal cord function;
myocardial dystrophy;
cirrhosis of the liver;
hepatitis; ( drugs: Heptral, cyanocobalamin)
damage to the visual and auditory analyzers; increase in blood pressure.

One of the serious complications in beer alcoholism is lactic acidosis and hypo-sodiumemia. Patients with beer alcoholism go to hospitals in a neglected state, with severe dementia and a decrease in personal evaluation. These are the consequences of beer alcoholism.

According to modern research, beer is the first legal drug that opens the way to other, more powerful drugs. Narcologists say that beer alcoholism is very cruel. This explains the completion of beer bacchanalia by fights, murders, rapes and robberies.

A big leap in beer consumption is not accidental, given the imposed, varied in the way of presenting beer advertisements, colorfully decorated huge shields in cities and on the transport highways, advertising the extreme "usefulness" of beer, and the daily annoying advertisement of beer on television.

According to some "experts" beer is more useful than milk. Some media recommend using it to pregnant women and nursing mothers for better lactation, and children - for a sweeter, deeper sleep.

But none of the media reported that the harmfulness of beer can equal only with moonshine, because in the process of fermentation and in beer and in home-brewed, the more toxic compounds associated with alcohol are retained in full. These are aldehydes, fusel oils, methanol, ethers, the content of which in beer is tens and hundreds of times higher than the level of their allowable concentration in vodka, obtained from high purity alcohol.

How can we explain the misunderstanding of the prospects for the degradation of society due to beer alcoholism on the part of legislators? It is generally accepted that beer production and trade are replenished by the state budget. It turns out that the consumer of beer is a true patriot who helps the domestic producer.

Beer and eunuch - what do you have in common?
4 liters of beer is replaced by a sexual partner. And they are able to completely rid of the libido. For a healthy person, alcohol is harmless in the amount of milliliters of alcohol per kilogram of weight. A liter of beer contains 45-50 grams of pure alcohol. This is 120-130 grams of vodka. It turns out that a man of medium height and weighing 80 kilograms can drink three bottles of light beer every day, without fear for his health. However, beer is not only useful, but also has quite harmful properties.

Useful components of beer:
Carbon dioxide. Stimulates gastric secretion and blood flow in muscles, brain, liver, lungs and kidneys.

Mineral compounds. Most of all in potassium beer. In a liter of foam drink contains 30 percent of the daily allowance. But sodium is not enough, so doctors recommend this drink for hypertensive patients - 0.5-1 liter per day.

The content of calcium (about 80 mg / l), magnesium (about 80 mg / l), phosphorus (about 140 mg / l), and iron, copper, zinc beer is almost identical to orange juice.

Low caloric content. The most caloric content in it is ethyl alcohol. In a bottle of beer about 400-450 kcal / l. For comparison: caloric content of milk, Coca-Cola or fruit juices fluctuates within 600-700 kcal / l.

Vitamins. In a liter of beer contains 40-60 percent of the daily norm of B vitamins and 70 percent of vitamin C. Most "beer" vitamins are well absorbed.

Organic compounds. Citric acid salts prevent the formation of kidney stones. Salts of acetic, oxalic, gluconic, pyruvic acids are actively involved in the metabolism.

Bitter substances. They have bactericidal properties, stimulate the work of the stomach.

Harmful components of beer:
Bitter substances and hops. Increase appetite and cause excess weight.

Bitterness belongs to the category of psychoactive drugs. They have a sedative, hypnotic, and in large doses - and a hallucinogenic effect.

Phytoestrogens. These are female hormones of plant origin. With excessive consumption of beer accumulate in the body and cause hormonal disorders. In men, the vegetation on the body decreases, the mammary glands swell, the fat is deposited according to the female type - on the hips and sides, the potency decreases, the sperm motility decreases - down to infertility and impotence. In women, an overabundance of phytoestrogen leads to excessive fatness.
Biogenic amines. Cadaverine, putrescine, histamine and tyramine. Relate to cadaveric poisons. It is these insidious substances that are responsible for the hangover. As a result - a headache. In large quantities, they lead to kidney damage.

Ethanol. The most caloric content in beer. But this does not lead to obesity, but has the opposite effect. The most destructive thing is he acts on the brain. The most fat-containing tissue in our body is the cortex of the brain. And alcohol simply dissolves it. In scientific terms, this is an "organic brain damage". (phenotropil help restore brain). As a result, there is a complete degradation of the personality.

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