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Quality of Motivation

30 Nov 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about effective solution of problems and the desire to get up in the morning and the differences of internal and external motivation.

The decisive breakthrough was made in the 60-70s of the last century. It was then realized that the main question is "Why do people do what they do?" Is divided into several more specific questions. Why do people do something? Why do people get out of bed in the morning? Second question: why at the moment a man does what he does and not something else? And third, why, having started to do something, we usually we bring it to the end, and not throw and does not switch immediately to something else? Although anything can happen.

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When we act on the basis of intrinsic motivation, the consequences tend to be positive, and we are developing, we had a good feel. When we do the same on the basis of extrinsic motivation ("for Uncle" or to get some rewards or avoid punishment), it turns out that we, along with the positive effects, we get earnings - get rid of trouble, otherwise we would We did not. But at the same time there are a lot of negative side effects.

In a great number of experimental studies have shown that intrinsic motivation - is that always lead to the most positive consequences for the development of the individual, for efficiency, the sustainability of activities. Extrinsic motivation is always easier. It is always easy to organize, and above it is not necessary to think. Nevertheless, it leads to many ambiguous consequences. With the help of external motivation can be solved only immediate, operational objectives. Tasks long-term, strategic objectives with the help of external motivation can not be solved.

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