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01 Nov 2016

Description of medicine

Proviron (active ingredient - mesterolon) - the hormonal medicine having moderate androgenic activity and significantly strengthening erectile function. Proviron is quite often used in bodybuilding during a rate of anabolic steroids for the solution of various tasks.

Proviron in the form of tablets on 25 mg

Among the famous producers of mesterolon there are various firm branches Schering (Proviron in the form of tablets on 25 mg), the Moldavian firm Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Provimed, tablets on 50 mg) and some other.

Provimed, tablets on 50 mg

Is weak inhibitor of aromatasia i.e. interferes with transformation of steroids into estrogen in an organism. According to numerous messages of athletes, in practice proviron doesn't prevent a ginecomastia, water accumulation, adjournment of fat on female type and other estrogenovy side effects.

Practically doesn't exert impact on development by an organism of own testosterone (in high doses can suppress), however promotes increase in concentration of free testosterone in blood because blocks activity of the globulin connecting sex hormones. These properties do proviron by attractive means during a rate.

It is often applied as a part of postcourse therapy though feasibility raises doubts as a capability to recover secretion of endogenous testosterone at it is absent.

How to accept proviron during the course

Usual daily dosage for men - 50 mg a day divided into two peer receptions are desirable after food. It is considered accepted a dosage to 100 mg of a proviron a day. Higher doses of reception of a proviron can result in the effects opposite to expected. At a long erection which often is quite morbid and inconvenient a dosage of drug it is necessary to lower or cancel its reception in general.

Considering that drug raises a libido and improves a potency at men, its use is justified on a rate of the drugs lowering a libido (for example, a sound board - it is wild at use of Nandrolonum or it tren-is wild from trenbolone).

Besides, proviron in bodybuilding it is often used in precompetitive preparation for rising of hardness of a musculation and giving of relief to it. It is a favourite drug of the western film actors for giving to appearance of muscularity who are afraid to use more serious steroid "artillery". It is used also by female-bodibildershami for giving to a density musculation, however their dosages shouldn't exceed 25 mg a day no more than four weeks for masculanization phenomenon exception.

Medical use

"Improves quality and enlarges quantity of spermatozoons. Compensates a failure of production of male sex hormones (androgens), having the stimulating effect on development of male genitals and secondary sexual characteristics, improves a libido and a potency, shows anabolic properties, stimulates an erythrogenesis". Route of administration: Inside, without chewing, 25 mg 1–3 times a day.

Side effects

It isn't toxic for a liver in moderate dosages that does safe its inclusion in course time within several weeks. The axis doesn't suppress a hypothalamus-pituitary bodies-testicles.  Considering the chemical nature, and similarity to dihydrotestosterone, such side effects as a hypertrophy of a prostate and a baldness on men's type of a pilar part of the head are possible.

For the purpose of prophylaxis periodic carrying out inspections of a prostate is recommended. The caution at use After reception of the hormonal substances which are a part of drug Proviron was very seldom observed education good-quality, and is more rare — malignant tumors of a liver. In some cases the intra abdominal bleeding caused by such tumors posed a threat of life. If the man who uses Proviron has a severe pain in the top part of a stomach, augmentation of a liver or there are symptoms of intra abdominal bleeding, when carrying out differential diagnostics it is necessary to consider probability of existence of a tumor of a liver.

Weakening of action

Many authors, for example, A. Vasilenko and others specify use proviron and the anabolic steroids (AS) of the same receptors that allegedly reduces action of the last. For the first time this information appeared at Dan Duchaine’s Underground Steroid Handbook II. However elementary knowledge of pharmacokinetics allows to confute it. First, this anti-estrogen quickly collapses in muscles to inactive metabolites. Secondly, thanks to high affinity to the connecting proteins (SHBG) medicine the EXPERT can increase concentration free that increases efficiency of a rate.

Legal status

Proviron is in free sale in Ukraine.

The list of strong substances for the purposes of article 234 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation" enters in ". In case of its detection at you in number of more than 15 tab. (2,5 grams of the tableted form) there comes criminal liability. In case of determination of weight by law enforcement agencies are considered including the filler weight (starch, TiO2 and other accompanying substances). In certain cases weighing happens together with packaging. Do not forget take Cerebrolysin for better results.

Choice of anti-estrogen

The question what anti-estrogenic medicine should give preference is very often brought up.

Tamoxifen is means which blocks estrogenovy receptors, however doesn't interfere with formation of estrogen. Tamoxifen more promotes recovery of own testosterone as it is capable to influence a hypophysis directly. From shortcomings - slightly reduces anabolic activity of steroid means. It is applied only during PKT.

Proviron increases concentration of androgens due to linkng with GSPG, thus increases efficiency of a rate. However proviron as it was shown in researches, doesn't promote testosterone secretion recovery, unlike tamoxifen. Repeatedly made analyses of level of hormones showed that anti-estrogenic action of a proviron on a rate is practically not shown.

Considering benefits and shortcomings of both medicines, the optimum rate of steroids is under construction as follows (urgent only for flavored the EXPERT):

Since 2 weeks of a rate it is entered proviron in a dose of 50 mg a day. In addition, aromatasia inhibitors shall be applied to control of level of estrogen.

Right after the termination of a rate, acceptance of proviron stops and after removal of steroids from an organism tamoxifen is appointed to 2-3 weeks in a dose of 10-20 mg a day.

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