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Prostate hypertrophy in bodybuilding

01 Dec 2016

Good-quality hypertrophy of a prostate (Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)) is also known as a good-quality giperplazia of a prostate. First name more widespread, though actually less correct. This disease which is followed by increase in a prostate gland owing to growth of her fabrics.

The reasons of increase in prostate

The hypertrophy of a prostate is one of frequent age diseases, however in bodybuilding it meets considerably more often and at younger age. The use of anabolic steroids is the main reason of increase in a prostate in bodybuilding.

"Attention" Most often a hypertrophy is caused by steroids which have high androgenic activity (usually she is specified in a profile). Therefore at the choice of an anabolic steroid, it is necessary to give preference to those medicines which have a high anabolic index. You can try Testalamin.

The typical androgen is testosterone and its derivatives which in an organism turns into dihydrotestosterone. The last in turn contacts androgenic receptors of a prostate gland that causes growth of her fabric.

Symptoms of hypertrophy of prostate

  • Difficulty of an emiction (urine follows a flaccid trickle)
  • Emiction time is enlarged
  • Acceleration of an emiction
  • Night need for an emiction
  • After an emiction there is a feeling of fullness of a bladder
  • Intensifying of symptoms of a psychological dyscomfort during an emiction in full view of other people (if that is available in your anamnesis)

These are the most frequent symptoms, it is necessary to remember them first of all. Nevertheless symptoms of a hypertrophy of a prostate aren't limited to this list.

Treatment of hypertrophy of prostate

Treatment is carried out by means of drugs which only temporarily eliminate prostate hypertrophy symptoms. Also expeditious excision of the enlarged tissue is carried out. Perhaps endoscopic performance of operation (through urethra).

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