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01 Nov 2016

Probiotics – dietary supplements to a nutrition which part the live microorganisms and (or) their metabolites making the normalizing impact on structure and biological activity of microflora of a digestive tube are. Recently they became very popular in the sphere of a sports delivery, especially as an agent for digestion improvement, and also at various gastrointestinal disorders and infectious diseases.

In 2016 the center of the metabolic researches Novo Nordisk at University of Copenhagen analysed several large researches concerning influence of dietary supplement on microflora of the healthy people who were accepting probiotics, and not accepting them. As a result, it was taped that probiotics didn't influence structure of microflora in any way (the quantity of species of bacteria, distribution of these bacteria in populations of microorganisms didn't change) in groups.

bifidobacterium, bifidum

In the sports sphere there are data on potential ability of probiotics to reduce a case rate and gravity of a course of respiratory infections, and also to reduce duration of symptoms of diseases of digestive tract at athletes . Other researches report about decrease of body height of an inflammatory cytokine in 11 weeks and augmentation of level of antioxidants in plasma in 4 weeks after reception of probiotics.

Classification of probiotics

Pharmacological medicines - a probiotics - are divided into three groups: monocomponent, multicomponent and combined.

Bacterial medicines contain the live bacteria relating to representatives of normal simbiont (a bifidobacterium, a lactobacillus, colibacilli, propionew sour bacteria, etc.). Carry to them bifidumbakterin in powder, dry, gasropharm, kolibakterin, enterol, baktisubtit, sporobakterin, baktisporin.


Multicomponent medicines contain several different strains of microorganisms. They are dry, bifilong, the acylact dry, atsipol, lynex, bifikol dry and biosporin.

The combined medicines are presented a bifidumbakteriny fort, bifikoly dry, lineksy, kipatsidy, atsipoly, bioflory today.

Mechanism of action

Special structures or "dense contacts", represent the main barrier through which there pass nutrients. These structures fill intercellular space between epithelial cells of an intestine and regulate mutual movement of leucocytes, liquid and the macromolecules dissolved in it between a blood flow and an intestinal cavity. "Dense contacts" consist more than of 50 proteins and are considered as important factors of permeability of digestive tract .

Pro-biotic strains of some bacteria influence proteins in dense contacts and can interfere with action of pathogenic microorganisms. Some pro-biotic strains, such as Lactobacillus plantaru, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron ATCC29184, Escherichia coli Nissle 1917, Bifidobacterium longum SP 07/3 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG showed beneficial influence on functioning of dense contacts and an intestinal barrier. Moreover, different dietary additives, such as polyphenolums, proteins or amino acids presumably can regulate epithelial permeability due to change of an expression and localization of proteins of dense contacts in intercellular space.

Probiotics in sport

In professional sport complaints to digestive tract often occur among athletes, such as runners or troyeborets. Eubiotik and a probiotics in bodybuilding as digestion function directly is responsible for digestion of nutrients are especially useful. These problems are bound to blood current that is referred from internals to a sceletal musculation or heart. Such changes of a blood flow in an intestine bound to trainings, as well as the thermal harm (which is also caused by loads) of an intestine mucosa, can cause disturbances of an intestinal barrier that leads to inflammatory process. Nausea, gastric and intestinal spastic strictures, vomiting and a diarrhea belong to symptoms. Rising of permeability of a wall of an intestine leads to existence in a blood of endotoxins that in turn leads to the increased susceptibility to infectious and autoimmune diseases, because of absorption of pathogenic microorganisms or toxins a tissue and a blood flow. Thus, a probiotics as additive is represented very useful to athletes.


At the moment relationship of cause and effect between consumption of probiotics and advantage for health of the person, is still authentically not defined. Still there are no large researches confirming positive symbiosis and beneficial effect of pro-biotic nutritional supplements on health of the person. There is an opinion that improvements of intestinal flora can be bound rather to long-term dietary changes in a delivery of the person. The statement that some lactic bacteria promote augmentation of the weight, remains disputable.

Mark Crislip, the practicing specialist in infectious diseases in Portland, the State of Oregon, declared: "A probiotics has clinical effect in treatment of a diarrhea, but the declared broad use is exaggerated as a human body a difficult ecosystem." One of the Best Nooropic drug is Cerebrolysin.

Eubiotiki — the accepted synonym of the concept "probiotics", however, agents substrate of metabolic products Escherichia coli which aren't containing live flora, for example, quite fall under this category (drug Hilak Forte) is the most popular eubiotik in Russia. Also it is possible to refer a fat to this category. Researches confirm that consumption of a fat well is reflected in an intestinal microbiocenosis.


In results of the meta analysis of 25 researches of 2013 it was established that pro-biotic additives during pregnancy and during the early postnatal period reduce risk of developing of an allergy of babies, but don't influence risk of developing of asthma or a dyspnea.


Some probiotitka are successfully applied at treatment of a gastroenteritis at children and teenagers. The review of data of Cochrane Collaboration yielded the encouraging results in use of probiotics for treatment of an acute infectious diarrhea, however, as researchers report, the further research of influence of drugs is necessary for confirmation of the declared advantages.

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea

The antibiotic-associated diarrhea most often is result of a microflora imbalance in a large intestine, caused by an antibioticotherapia. The researchers who made the review of 16 various researches of more than 3400 patients reflecting assessment came to a conclusion that some probiotics reduces the frequency of emergence and gravity an antibiotic - the associated diarrhea. Treatment by a probiotics of the including Lactobacillus rhamnosus, significantly reduces risk of development an antibiotic - the associated diarrhea, improves a chair consistence during an antibioticotherapia, and also raises an immune response after bacterination. However probiotic potential at prophylaxis of a diarrhea depends on the strain of a bacterium and its concentration in drug. In results of the research Cochrane Collaboration where about 3400 participants were analysed, it is said that at the use less than 5*1012 WHICH doesn't result in positive dynamics during a disease an antibiotic - the associated diarrhea. In a research the monocomponent or combined drugs with strains of Bacillus spp were used., Bifidobacterium spp., Lactobacilli spp., Lactococcus spp., Leuconostoc cremoris, Saccharomyces spp., or Streptococcus spp.

One more research carried out in 2010 confirmed positive influence of probiotics on immune system of patients after an antibioticotherapia which destroys natural intestinal microflora, thereby reducing counteraction of an organism of a foreign infection.

Lactose intolerance

More lactoses, than without therapy help persons to acquire consumption of some active strains with a lactose intolerance.


Strains of lactic bacteria are effective in depression of a cholesterin in blood serum. Apparently due to destruction of bile in an intestine, thereby interfering with its reabsorption. During the meta analysis about advantage of yogurt which included 5 double blind researches for the short-term period (2-8 weeks) 4% depression of level of a cholesterin and 5% depression of LPNP in blood serum was taped.

Other, longer research about advantage of yogurt, taped that 300 g of yogurt within 21 weeks promote concentration augmentation in LPVP blood serum and leads to desirable improvement of a ratio holesterin/LPVP/LPNP.

Arterial hypertension

There are researches confirming that consumption of the thrown milk with Lactobacillales, leads to a small lowering of arterial pressure. The effect is perhaps bound to APF inhibitors, peptides received for the account of fermentation.

Immunity and infections

Some strains of Lactobacillales can affect pathogenic microorganisms by means of competitive inhibition. There are bases to believe that these bacteria can improve protective reaction of an organism, at the expense of augmentation of quantity of the IgA-producing cells of plasma, phagocytosis, and also augmentation of a share of T lymphocytes and natural cells killers.

Clinical tests showed that a probiotics can reduce prevalence of infections of respiratory tracts and caries of teeth at children.

Helicobacter pylori

Some strains of Lactobacillales smear to influence Helicobacter Pylori of an infection (which lead to a peptic ulcer) at adults when using in a combination with standard medical procedures, but there is no standard in medical practice or official approval of such treatment.

Syndrome of the angry intestine and colitis

There is a series of proofs that a probiotics can help people with a syndrome of the angry intestine though remains obscure what type of a probiotic works best of all.

There are no strong evidences of the fact that a probiotics brakes a current of a colitis.

Necrotic coloenteritis

Several clinical trials testify to efficiency of use of probiotics in depression of risk of a necrotic coloenteritis and mortality at prematurely born newborns. In one of meta-analyses it was shown that a probiotics reduces a mortality and the risk bound to a necrotic coloenteritis more than for 50% in comparison with control.

Product of some probiotics - vitamins

Some vitamins found in an intestine are a product of probiotics. One produce vitamin K, others - folic acid and B12 vitamin


In 2003 researchers found out that the combination of Lactobacillus rhamnosus 19070-2 and Lactobacillus Reuteri DSM 122460 was useful in management of an atopic dermatitis. The effect was strongly expressed at patients with the increased IgE level. In 14 researches, the majority carried out between 2007 and 2011, scientists found depression of rates of development of an atopic dermatitis in babies, thanks to use of probiotics during pregnancy or during the early postnatal period.

Bacterial vaginosis

In 2013 researchers found out that use of such strains as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, contributes to normalization šĶ vaginas and to change of balance of vaginal flora, that preventing and softening a bacterial vaginosis.

Side effects

In situations when the person is in critical condition, a probiotics can be harmful. In the clinical tests which are carried out by research group Dutch scientists it was taped that consumption of an admixture of six pro-biotic bacteria enlarged a mortality of patients with pancreatitis with the prognosticated serious acute pancreatitis.

In clinical tests of University of Western Australia which were carried out for the purpose of definition of efficiency of probiotics in reduction of risk of developing of an allergy at children it became clear that children to whom a probiotics was prescribed were more sensitive to various allergens.

According to reports of some hospitals, patients with a hematosepsis have a sepsis form of which are characteristic the expressed toxicosis in which treatment lactobacillus group bacteria were applied, deterioration a state and weakening of immunity was observed.

In 2007 work about influence of probiotics on hens in which researchers declared that an obesity of a bird is bound to use of groups of bacteria of Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus SPP in their stern was published. This research laid the foundation for the myth that yogurts can cause an obesity. Nevertheless, at the moment there are no statistically established facts confirming this opinion. 

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