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Primobolan - Metenolon

03 Nov 2016

Metenolon (more widely known as Primobolan, and also Primobol, Nibal) - an anabolic steroid, derivative dihydrotestosterone with weak androgenic activity and moderate anabolic action. It is available in tablets (Primobolan) and in an injection form (Primobolan Depot). Many athletes compare by efficiency Primobolan and Masteron.

Primobolan Metenolon Depot

Primobolan Depot is an injection form of medicine which represents methenobosom air enanthate. The injection form has the long period of action (due to gradual transition of medicine from muscles in blood), about two weeks. In action duration Primobolan Depot is similar to Testosterone enanthate. The main lack of this form consists in morbidity of injections. Less often injection acetate meets short elimination half-life, approximately up to two days.

Primobolan Oral is a methenobosom form in tablets (Metenolon acetate), has much the smaller period of action (about 5 hours). Primobolan in tablets has higher price. Distinctive feature of the tableted form - lack of toxic action on a liver, in difference from the majority of other oral forms of steroids. You can try Cogitum.

Estimating in general two forms of a methenobosom, the majority gives preference to an injection form, in connection with lower cost and more uniform intake of active agent in blood. Besides some part of Primobolan in tablets collapses in a liver.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 88% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 44% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - isn't present
  • Toxicity for a liver - weak
  • Acceptance method - inside (in tablets) and injections
  • Elimination half-life - 5-20 hours in tablets; 4-7 days in injections
  • Detection time - up to 100 days (tablet), 6 months of an injection

Effects of primobolan

The anabolic effect of primobolan quite soft is also comparable with the Sound board therefore this medicine is more often used during drying cycles when the main goal puts not a set of muscle bulk, and its preserving. Metenolon has the minimum phenomenon of kickback, nevertheless, many athletes are dissatisfied with the results received after a rate of primobolan solo if a set of muscle bulk stood the purpose.

Primobolan - side effects

Primobolan (both forms) aren't converted into estrogen that is one of the main benefits of medicine. Therefore it is possible to accept primobolan without risk of development of ginekomastia and hypostases. Though ginekomastia can be specified in some instructions.

Primobolan slightly reduces the level of products of own testosterone. It is overwhelming impact is weaker than testosterone and nandrolon. Researches show that the rate of primobolan in a dose of 40 mg suppresses testosterone level on average for 50%. [5] Considerable decrease in products of endogenous testosterone is observed only in case of long rates with high doses of medicine. In these cases during a rate application of gonadotrophin is required, otherwise development of an atrophy of testicles is possible.

Metenolon practically doesn't cause raising of harmful cholesterol. Medicine doesn't exert considerable impact on the level of arterial pressure.

Due to the low androgenic action, primobolan practically doesn't cause baldness. Most often Metenolon causes such side effects as: aggression, excitability, sleeplessness, and raising of hepatic enzymes if high doses are used.

Thus, primobolan it is possible to consider one of the safest anabolic steroids available in the market now.

Primobolan course

Course of primobolan in the best way is suitable during a drying cycle for preserving muscles and receipt of a relief.

Soft effect of medicine requires longer rate (up to 8 weeks), however with increase in duration of a rate of primobolan, the risk of side effects increases.

Dosage primobolan shouted - 50-100 mg a day. In 2-3 days after the end of acceptance post course therapy begins.

Dosage primobolan depot - 400 mg, once a week. In 3 weeks after the last injection post course therapy begins.

Before a rate consultation of the doctor for an exception of contraindications is required.

Combined courses

Considering quite weak anabolic action of Metenolon (its capability to increase weight a little less nandrolon) it often combine with other medicines. In the best way Primobolan is combined with:

  • Nandrolon - for a set of muscle bulk (one of the safest rates, with good preserving weight)
  • Testosterone - for a set of muscle bulk
  • Sustanon - for a set of muscle bulk
  • Anadrol - for a set of muscle bulk
  • Metandrostenolon - for a set of muscle bulk
  • Vinstrol - for drying

Don't include more than one medicine in the combined rate. Use both steroids in half doses (from recommended) - it will allow to reduce the frequency of side effects of each medicine and to increase efficiency of a rate.

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