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Prick from menopause

15 Dec 2016

Grabs one symptom after another, trying to calm something that, on the contrary, stimulate, and the side effects minimized ... And all it cases: make sure to take a pill (well, there is pricked something) - and over the body, as in 20-25 years.

menopause, Phenibut, Afobazol, Phenazepam buy,

As far as I noticed, on this issue quite seriously working people and grown-up. And not only at the level of beauty salons and plastic surgery offices. Because, in the words of the Patrician Vetinari, nothing to apply make-up on ulcers. The problem is solved more fundamentally and systemically.

One of the age-related problems is this change in hormonal status. That is, changes in the activity of certain hormones, which in my youth was on the move and sometimes ricocheted touched not only the cortex of the brain, but even its wood, in adulthood - provide a comfortable life, and in later years suddenly pulled the body of the hydrocarbon chain and whispered - say, now without me, commander. Yes, I'm talking about menopause.

The fact that the unpleasant sensations that occur during this period, the problem is not so limited. And feelings about leaving youth, coupled with some white envy (optional - a black hatred) to the young, so early - too. A number of mental illnesses that account for the letter F in the ICD-10, there is in menopause and either partially or completely can be caused by them, from asthenic conditions and neurosis-like disorders, and to more serious things of great Psychiatry.

Well, the quality of life, of course. What about it began to think, and we have - this is a good sign, it is an indication that all the same we have to live a little better, and now you can from survival issues go to the crawfish and the cherry on the cake, but the list to the life of the requirements It was accordingly wider. Accordingly, the approach to menopause treatment has become more systemic and not limited Solomon "will take place and that" any attempts to muffle any one of the most unpleasant symptoms.

One of the main approaches and principles in the treatment of climacteric syndrome at the moment - it is an attempt to fill a gap in the hormonal status, caused during menopause. In addition, developed and trends. Goal? Yes, everything is the same: to get the effect and fuck with a minimum of risk. As so accurately dose hormones, as does the organism in its normal state, it is still quite problematic.

To cope with stress – use Phenazepam, Afobazol and Phenibut.

One of these new products - Pineamin. As planned by the creators decided to do some magic over the trophy epiphyses and cook one hood (? Remember, this same principle underlay the creation Cerebrolysin and Cortexin), the drug controls the hormone balance on a more subtle level, at the level of care, "the hypothalamus - pituitary gland." Moreover, the developers promise, and anti-age effect of its use, and even scored some statistical base, allowing it to claim. In addition, it is stated in terms of the safety of a possible cancer development (long-term) and the minimal risk of unpleasant side effects. And a more convenient way of its application as compared with the constant daily intake of other drugs: injections course lasts 10 days, all of these courses a year of not more than three or four.

How will prove its use on a mass scale - time will tell. The good news is that medicine is moving in the direction of "drugs for youth"

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