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Potassium orotate

22 Nov 2016

Potassium orotate (Kalii orotas) is a metabolic means regulating and stimulating endogenous biochemical processes. Chemically, potassium orotate is potassium salt of uracil-4-carbonic (orotic) acid. Potassium orotate is issued in tablets on 0.5 g and is released in drugstores without recipe. Potassium orotate is widely applied in sport to increase in power indicators and muscular force, however efficiency of medicine is very low.

Potassium orotate represents mineral salt which occurs at all live organisms. Each molecule of Potassium orotate consists of a molecule of orotic acid and potassium replacing hydrogen atom.

Orotic acid is a biochemical substance which is present at all living cells. It is necessary for synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Potassium is essential mineral vital for the person and animals. Potassium is present at a human body in large numbers, it is necessary for regulation of water and electrolytic balance, potassium participates in carrying out a nervous impulse and reducing muscles.

For the first time, potassium orotate was widely applied by doctor Hans Nieper in the 70th years, he considered that salt of orotic acid, being neutrally loaded, will easily pass through cellular membranes that will provide higher level of intake of potassium in cages and fabrics. Hans Nieper propagandized application of potassium orotate for treatment of many diseases though efficiency wasn't determined in an experiment.

Action of potassium orotate

Orotic acid is one of precursors the pyrimidine nucleotides which are a part of nucleic acids which participate in synthesis of protein molecules. In this regard potassium orotate is applied as substance of anabolic action at disturbances of protein metabolism, first of all at disturbance of albumin function of a liver, at the dystrophic changes in a myocardium which developed as owing to pathological process (a myocarditis, myocardial infarction), and as a result of a physical overstrain in sport as the general stimulators of metabolic processes.

Potassium orotate improves appetite, enlarges diuresis, accelerates the course of reparative processes, improves acceptability of some medicines, including cardiac glycosides.

Potassium orotate in sport

In an experiment on rats it was shown what potassium orotate (a rate within a month) in combination with a pyridoxine, Riboflavinum and folic acid reduces recovery time, increases performance at young rats. However anabolic effects of potassium orotate weren't noticed. Orotat of potassium is most effective at children's age. Application of potassium orotate in sport is ineffective, and in bodybuilding it is almost senseless. You can also like Gliatilin.

Recommendations to application in sport

  • Increased physical activities.
  • Trainings in the period of a set of muscle bulk.
  • Training in mountains.
  • As a part of the combined therapy of diseases of a liver and the bilious ways caused by intoxications (including lactic acid).
  • Chronic heart failure, violations of a warm rhythm (especially in case of premature ventricular contraction).
  • Dermatosis. Renewal period after a disease, an alimentary and alimentary and infectious hypotrophy at children.

Dosage and acception mode

Application of potassium orotate, as a rule, in combination with other means: (vitamins and minerals, anabolic steroids, inosine). Potassium orotate shall be accepted inside (for 1 h to food or in 4 h after it). A dosage in sport from 1,5 to 2 g a day (on 0,5 g 3-4 times a day). Course of treatment is 20 - 40 days, and in certain cases longer. If necessary repeat a course of treatment after a 2-month break. In some cases depending on efficiency and shipping, the daily dose for adults is increased to 3 g (6 tablets a day).

Side effects and harm for health

Potassium orotate is well had and doesn't do harm to health. The allergic dermatosis which is quickly undergoing later medicine cancellations is in some cases observed; if necessary appoint angistamin medicines. Dyspeptic phenomena are possible. (Can cause gout)

In case of long-term use or excess of dosage, it leads to fatty dystrophy of liver.

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