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Piracetam - for what is prescribed this drug?

26 Oct 2016

Students are always trying to find some loopholes, not to teach and pass the session properly. It does not happen, some may argue. In fact, detours can also lead to the problem. Do not shun students and pharmacological agents. Almost everyone knows what Piracetam is, which prescribe this drug and when it is necessary to begin to use it.

Nutrition or structure - which is more important?

What is most important for the student or any student? Of course the brain activity, because of its good performance, you can:

  • Remember everything right the first time and for a long time.
  • Faster read and absorb the information.
  • To increase the reaction rate, the decision-making.
  • Get rid of the problems with insomnia and headache.

For the proper functioning requires a combination of two factors - the normal structure and nutrition of the system.

Pathology of structure:

  • Traumatic injuries can lead to the formation of hematomas - the long-term absorbable blood concentrations in the tissues.
  • At the site of injuries some time later formed sections of connective tissue. brain substance is replaced by ordinary scar.
  • Congenital anomalies and pathology can not be excluded, the percentage has increased significantly in recent years.

Eating disorders.

  • Complete cessation of oxygen to the brain leads to the death, after only 10 minutes, the process becomes irreversible.
  • Vascular pathology leads to ischemia - a certain part of the brain is no longer supplied with blood. The effects depend on the scale.
  • Errors in nutrition and heavy general condition can lead to a lack of glucose to the brain power.

The first signs of the pathology.

It is due to glucose the brain receives the main supply of energy to control the whole body. Little sleep? Is engaged in intense intellectual work? Lost, the last time I normally eat? Do not be surprised if soon notice the first problems with the central nervous system. Forgetfulness, irritability, insomnia may be associated with chronic fatigue.

In order not to take difficult or uninteresting subject, the student is willing to spend much more time to study the features of the human brain and memory.

The network is a set of techniques that promise to teach to read a page per minute, to remember hundreds of digits for a few seconds, and stuff like that. It is difficult to judge the real effectiveness of all these benefits, in addition to they always need a lot of thinking and a waste of his time. And if we have to put effort, the option seems quite uninteresting.

How can Piracetam help?

The solution was found long ago, but has become popular in the last decade. It is named - nootropics:

  • The substances directly affect the central nervous system. No middlemen, passing through the barrier, they directly affect our brains.
  • GABA comprise - one of the key mediators, which transmits pulses in the brain tissue. The more of a mediator, the more often and more quickly pass pulses. That thought quickly formed, the information is secured.
  • Due to the effect at the cellular level, drugs increase the level of absorption of nutrients.
  • Increase endurance and reduce the need for sleep. Under the new conditions no longer rest as needed at higher doses may be felt vigor even for days.
  • Increasing the volume of long-term memory, remembering becomes easier to do. But it should be read, only intake of medications to get rid not work.

"Piracetam" refers to a group of Nootropics, due to the low price and leave it without a prescription, it became one of the most popular drugs among the student fraternity. Also there is Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil).

The correct approach to the "Piracetam" treatment

But our doctors did not refuse from the use of piracetam. Love to appoint his psychiatrists and drug treatment for the following diseases:

  • Schizophrenia.
  • Addiction.
  • Alcoholism.

All these diseases lead to serious problems with the functional activity of the brain, can sometimes occur and organic damage. Prescribers in "shock" doses, depending on the sex, age and body of the patient. Of great importance is the degree of progression of the disease.

Not only visitors of clinics and psychiatric hospitals receive these drugs treatment.

In neurology, especially children's, a popular prophylactic. To enhance the normalization and general condition, given in conjunction with other drugs. Assays allergy is not carried out, but the condition of the kidney and liver followed. It is through these organs are output from the body of Piracetam.

Carefully it is prescribed for depression, with some of its types of drug generally contraindicated.

If your desktop lie "Piracetam" pills, which administered this drug, you need to know. Take it easy, just remember that they could become more frequent urination. Reminds Me removal using kidneys.

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