Picamilon - Removes different kinds of headaches
26 Nov 2016
Advantages: Read the severe headache, not expensive
Disadvantages: There are side effects
About "Picamilon" tablets, I know not - hearsay. I take these pills for many times. Especially most "Picamilon", helped me with a very large severe headache.
I walked down the street, fell and stroked my head. At the hospital, I was discharged taking Picamilon. Immediately of course, they did not help me, only through time. headache is not one day, but still very dizzy. But it is a tablet, quickly began to help, in any case, the head was getting better, on the third day, and then all the better, and better. Dizziness is also gradually began to take place. So I'm pleased with the result of "Picamilon" tablets.
In pills have different side effects, I'm lucky I have not showed them. Then the problem was serious, so I'm cutting these pills for a month. themselves pills are packed in a small white plastic box. The tablets have a slightly bitter taste, but drunk it is very easy. In one box is thirty pills.
This drug is taken well, especially when what has been obtained - a head injury, as well as various types of headaches. On the packaging it says that even migraine. This is from migraines, they do not help me, but just a headache well filmed.
Usage time: 4 months