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Picamilon - helped

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: helped

Picamilon is as injections and tablets, but in my case it is designated in tablets. In the package there are only 30 pieces, for 1 course of treatment took 3 packages (3 times a day). Pills are small and easy to take.

Certainly the indications for the use of highly complex and mostly relate to people of the older generation, and certainly not the children, but when there is no alternative prescribers and children of primary school age.

Because of the serious irregularities in the child's state of the reception was a must, and there was no other choice.

As regards the effectiveness, I did not see adverse effects on the child. But the state has gone on improving, after about 2 weeks of reception:

  • Gone tics and hyperkinesis - which appeared in a state of rest and calm baby.
  • Reduce the incidence of blood pressure change, it was even during the day
  • Reduce the incidence of headaches.

I can not say for sure - buy this drug, and it will help you so ka really all alone, especially if treatment As for the child, in which case the required consultation of the neurologist.

Usage time: 30 days

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