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Picamilon - Excellent head assistant

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: effective, cheap drug

Disadvantages: hard to get on the territory of Ukraine

The drug takes mom since the 90s, when she was appointed "Picamilon" for the treatment of some disorders of the head.

Have experienced after suffering meningitis when there were terrible headaches to changes in the weather, after a long work on the computer, night journeys at the wheel of the car, in short, any stress factor caused great pain.

Mother advised to take Picamilon. Buy had in Belgorod, because in Ukraine for some reason the drug is in short supply, since the 90's.

Month reception at a dose of 25 mg headaches began to appear much less frequently, and 4 Months 3 courses with an interval is generally eliminated. The last 5 years I accept it monthly course 1 time a year, and my husband also forced to take for prevention.

Time of use: 20 years

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