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Physical examination in case of the use of steroids

20 Oct 2016

All know that acceptance of anabolic steroids is integrated to risk for health. However in an arsenal of the athlete there is a number of means which allow to prevent and eliminate the majority of complications. Many problems can't be revealed without additional inspections and when they begin treatment will prove less effective. For this reason before and after a rate accomplishment of medical blood tests, and also researches of internals regarding the hidden pathological changes is required.

Where it is possible to make blood test and other inspections?

  • You can address the therapist and ask it to prescribe a series of tests which will be described below, referring to problems with health. The therapist can prescribe inspection as itself personally, and to channelize to other expert (endocrinologist) who will already be engaged in you further.
  • To avoid excess questions, it is possible to address to private clinic or laboratory (now they are practically in each city, you will be able to choose what indicators of a blood or urine you interest). The only disadvantage that it is necessary to pay for all necessary analyses and diagnostics.

What blood tests and urine are required?

Let's list all necessary diagnostic actions in a consecutive order, we will define expediency, and also we will designate degree of need for them ("Attention" obligatory analyses, yellow - average importance are highlighted with red color, green - low-useful. It is possible to be limited only to red lists. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Phenotropil

Before a course of steroids

Norm of sex hormones

Norm of biochemical indicators

Norm of hormones of adrenals

At this stage diagnostics is necessary first of all for identification of contraindications to reception of steroids. You can examine contraindications in article Side effects of steroids. If information at the increased and lowered level isn't specified, means it makes no difference at the use the EXPERT. If you weren't examined the last 2-3 years and begin reception of anabolic steroids for the first time, then it is necessary to execute:

Analyses on hormones

  • the general and free Testosteron-Depotum - to establish initial level for comparison
  • FSG (follikulstimuliruyushchy hormone) - to establish initial level for comparison
  • LG (luteinizing hormone, natural analog of Gonadotropinum) - to establish initial level for comparison
  • estrogens - to establish initial level for comparison
  • Prolactinum - to establish initial level for comparison if it is raised reception the progestinovykh of drugs isn't recommended
  • Progesteronum - to establish initial level for comparison
  • a hydrocortisone - to establish initial level for comparison
  • a thyroxine - to establish initial level for comparison

General blood test

  • Erythrocytes - detection of pathology of a blood
  • Leucocytes - immune disturbances

Biochemical blood test

  • The glucose - if is raised, during a course its level will be enlarged even more (Diabetum).
  • (To read) a cholesterin (LPVP, triglycerides) - if are raised, the risk of development of an atherosclerosis increases. It is important aged 35 is more senior.
  • Liver enzymes - if are raised, to exclude a liver disease
  • Protein (the general, globulins, albumins) - if is lowered, the disease of kidneys and a liver is possible
  • Bilirubin - if is raised, to exclude a liver disease
  • Potassium, sodium, magnesium - if are lowered, development of cramps is possible during a course, in this case additional reception is necessary

Analysis of urine

  • Urea if is raised, to exclude a disease of kidneys
  • The creatinine if is raised, to exclude a disease of kidneys

Tool methods

  • Measurement of arterial pressure "Attention" needs also to be carried out during a course
  • ECG - for detection of pathology of heart
  • EHO-KG - for detection of pathology of heart
  • Liver US - for detection of pathology of a liver, especially if are raised bilirubin and enzymes

In 2-3 weeks after a course

Analyses on hormones

  • the general and free Testosteron-Depotum - it is almost always lowered
  • LG (luteinizing hormone, natural analog of Gonadotropinum) - is almost always lowered
  • estrogens - if it is raised, it is necessary to apply anti-estrogens
  • Prolactinum - is necessary if progestinovy steroids (Nandrolonum) were accepted.
  • a hydrocortisone - if it is raised, hydrocortisone blockers are necessary

Biochemical blood test

  • The glucose - has to be normal if it is raised, additional diagnostics of iatrogenic Diabetum can be required
  • Cholesterin (LPNP, triglycerides) - if are raised, the course of treatment on depression of level is necessary
  • Liver enzymes - if are raised, reception of gepatoprotektor is necessary
  • Bilirubin - if is raised, necessary reception of gepatoprotektor
  • Potassium, sodium, magnesium - is necessary if there are cramps

Tool method

  • ECG - for detection of pathology of heart
  • In 2-3 months after a course

Analyses on hormones

  • the general and free Testosteron-Depotum - if it is lowered, stimulation of secretion by means of boosters and Gonadotropinum is necessary
  • LG (luteinizing hormone, natural analog of Gonadotropinum) - is necessary, only if Testosteron-Depotum is lowered to define why it is lowered
  • estrogens - if it is raised, it is necessary to apply anti-estrogens
  • a hydrocortisone - if it is raised, hydrocortisone blockers are necessary
  • To repeat other analyses which were not within norm

Recommendations before testing

It is necessary to make tests on an empty stomach. There is no problem in missing a breakfast. Food distorts indicators of analyses. After glucose acceptance the level of testosterone can decrease. 

Exclude sexual activity in 24 hours prior to testing. It can influence both Prolactinum levels, and the LG, FSG levels and Testosterone.

Exclude physical activity at least in 48 hours prior to testing. Results of researches show that trainings (in and cardio-sessions) strongly influence levels of androgens and hormones of a thyroid gland.

It is recommended to make tests in the morning and after a good dream. The stress can distort indicators of analyses. 

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