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Phenotropil! Very Powerful Thing!

03 Jun 2016

Advantages of Phenotropil: improves memory, invigorates, acts quickly, really works!)), effective immediately, increases efficiency, improves mood, helps to quickly wake up, efficiency, mental clarity anti-stress.

I used to drink antidepressants, or whatever it is correctly called all sorts of soothing light tablets for nerves. Periodically trash is going in my life, and that has to adjust itself to I-don’t-care wave with the help of pharmaceutical drugs.

One day, I realized that my head at all "barely brews" mood - Complete Ass ... in life situation just wanted me to grow stronger, and even I gained the weight more than usual, the realization of which is also not the best way affected the my inner state. And so I found in the internet about the miracle Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam).

Captivated by the reviews that there is no cumulative effect. There is a noticeable effect immediately.

According to the annotations and instructions on the Internet, this drug should have come to me perfectly. Well, all the evidence - and the stress and fatigue, the treatment of obesity and blah blah blah))

And the fact that these pills were developed for astronauts dispelled all doubts.

Now, some words about my feelings. The mood lifted immediately after taking the first pill. I have thirst for activities, chattering… And yes, absolutely do not any want for eating. But first things go first.

The most exciting topic – Phenotropil and food.

When I went to the pharmacy to buy Phenotropil, I was very hungry, and I pretend to be - what exactly bite on the way, since I do not whether wait to get home. I bought Phenotropil, I drank a tablet in a way and forgot something about that the brutal wanted to eat! And then I had not eaten all day, and even on the second, third day, I did not want to eat. I calmly approached the refrigerator, chose most light meal such as carrot, apple or cabbage leaf and snacks ignored. This is a big plus for me. The trick is that you do not want to eat, but if, for example, the feast (or any other situation in which can and should eat), the food does not cause disgust, eat with pleasure, just very moderately.

Phenotropil and sleep

Phenotropil is really bracingl. If, for example, work in the night, or some other things, then drank a pill, you can forget about sleep for at least for a couple of hours. On this point I also ready to put a definite plus, as I personally while it was easy to sleep when the opportunity presented (that is, has there been such that I could not sleep because of these tablets). In the morning, despite the late withdrawal to a dream, I flew out of bed like a lark, which has even managed to drink couple of cups of coffee))))

Phenotropil and work performance

For this parameter I score Phenotropil for A+. Agility and physical condition ready for work and defense. Personally, it was easy and pleasant to work under it. I must say that as a rule it was just a state of crystal clear mind, focus, everything really easily managed.

The only thing that - sometimes happened this strange state of, well, something like a tangled thoughts. I do not know whether it is possible to accept those who are constantly at the wheel.

Phenotropil and mood

Here is the most interesting point in this preparation. The point is that Phenotropil significantly lifts mood at first. If, for example, there are some constants in the life of the negative aspects, which are very infuriated, they were taken out and not allowed to live - becomes dramatically do not care. Absolutely DO-NOT-CARE. That is, in theory should be easier. But the catch is that after a week, I noticed a very frequent and uncharacteristically irritable in those moments, when, in fact, even not worth to pay attention. Bag rustling, a loud sound of TV and other such trifles could specifically to piss off. I wanted to cry, to be angry, etc. part of the bundle, by the way, I gave to a friend that after my praises about how not want to eat, too, started to drink a small package. And she also noted this bad effect, then we both decided that it is worth to stop taking.


You can use it temporarily during the session, hard work, etc.. Again, no more than one pill per day, directly before going to sit down for a job, etc. Phenotropil really strongly discourages appetite. 

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