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Phenotropil Excellent Efficient Nootrop

14 Jun 2016

Advantages of Phenotropil: Improves memory, mood, creativity, endurance and much more.

The effect of Phenotropil is noticeable already after the first tablet. Something like NZT from the movie “Limitless”, but it acts not so much.

After the first admission I notice immediately myself, that the paint of the world around changed (perhaps the placebo effect to work, because I expected from the medication a lot), I became more sociable, I started noticing odors and remember them, there are many creative ideas in my head and my level of optimism grew.

Of course, all is not well. Firstly, there are side effects: hard to sleep at night. From the slightest noise can wake up and notice how much the beginning of the beating heart, and what you already peppy in a minute.

Secondly, with each subsequent week of receiving all the effects are less noticeable.

The result stopped drinking Phenotropil. It lies in the closet in case for a chance ...

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