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Phenotropil Doping for Physical Activities

16 Jun 2016

Advantages: Phenotropil reduces pain threshold, nicely remove chronic migraine, a real dope for physical activities

I started taking Phenotropil to correct sleep. I have hypersomnia. My aim was to reduce the amount of sleep and make it a night one.

By the evening the children's time, I have an incredibly sleepy brain and it does not want to wake. So I decided to go to the gym in the evening. But in the gym strength and endurance is increased - 2-3 hours can be engaged and active load not even tired)) Without enough Phenotropil I could train at least half an hour.

I take Phenotropil one and a half months.

Weight has not diminished - I heard somewhere that one can lose weight from Phenotropil. I do not know, probably, is to sit on a diet)))) I have not decreased appetite - I promised that Phenotropil restrains appetite – I have not noticed in this aspect no changes.

The mind hasn’t become more clear and fast. Maybe because I dilute mental stress by mental rest?!)) Although my friend's brain began to stir. And after Phenotorpil I slowly get drunk by alcohol))

Phenotropil increases libido. If anyone out there drinking birth control pills, libido declines from those pills, it can be compensated by Phenotropil.

To say that I became more attentive and my memory improved? Nope.

Phenotropil is proved to be a doping for the gym - no more. So I now became to drink Phenotorpil only on a day when I go to the gym, to feel a burst of Energy)))

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