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Phenomenal memory

27 Oct 2016

Neuroscientist  Dr. Doping talks about the famous patient of Alexander Luria, the exceptional properties of his memory and the inability to forget. What are the unique properties of the memory of Solomon Shereshevsky attracted the attention of famous neuropsychologist Alexander Luria? What is phenomenal episodic memory? whether people are capable of such a memory to forget anything?

Shereshevsky possessed not only a huge amount of memory, he could remember in experiments with Luria, and then it was investigated and our other renowned psychologists - Leontiev, Vygotsky came to the famous experiments physiologists such as Orbeli. He could remember the very large amounts of information, and the most different and quite meaningless. This could be, for example, the formula that invented Luria and that meant nothing to him. He remembered them well, with many characters. The things that were familiar to him, placed in some form of figures of speech, but also strangers. For example, Luria quoted him first line "Divine Comedy" and Shereshevsk repeated them, but did not know Italian, and Latin.

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When we talk about memory, this kind of memory - episodic memory is, it is not filled with some kind of sense, and carries sheets memories of the days spent in our lives. He had a unique episodic memory. Next thing found Alexander Romanovich - that Shereshevsky had these abilities from an early age. We know that babies have a memory, but as adults we can not remember. Those who have children know very well that they can perfectly remember what toys received a gift at last birthday, and so on, then this memory from all of us goes. Shereshevsky could remember very early childhood, where children do not yet have the concepts expressed in language. So he remembered himself in the cradle and remembered, looked like my mother and father to approach him, but these feelings have not been expressed in words. Was it my mother - it was something warm, pleasant, which blurs and obscures the light during the approach.

Another amazing thing that has accompanied, apparently Shereshevsky’s life - it is a tragedy inability to forget. Many people who think about memory, see it as God's gift, which is the literal expression of Pliny the Elder, who in his "Natural History" described the gift as a memory of the Creator bestowed upon us and allow us to be who we are. This is true. But it is always a balance between what we remember and what we forget. Nietzsche, for example, believed that one of our top talent - a talent forgotten. We do not pay attention to it. Shereshevsky suffered all his life because of the fact that the vast amount of information that gets in his mind and the brain, remained there forever, and he had to take a desperate attempt to forget.

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