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Phenibut stops Panic Attack

31 May 2016

Advatages of Phenibut:it really helps, insomnia disappeared.

Good afternoon! In today's recall, I want to tell you about a sedative "Phenibut". Probably many have heard about these pills as prescribed for their vegetative-vascular dystonia, a variety of anxiety and stress. I also had a chance to take Phenibut to prevent panic attacks. I will say this, when properly used and well-chosen dosage "Phenibut" really helps. It became one of the means that brought me a relief.

How to use:

Generally, the drug is prescribed for each patient individually. I drank 2 tablets of Phenibut 3 times a day. The course lasted a month. Adverse effects were not mentioned. Allergic reactions too. Withdrawal does not appear.

The effect of Phenibut:

During the week, I felt improvement. The headaches ceased. There was a good night's sleep. The anxiety has gone, and panic attacks have become calmer.


I liked the drug "Phenibut" and it made a good impression. it helped to cope with the problems and did not cause side effects and addiction. As it did not have a high price.

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