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Phenibut interesting medicine

31 May 2016

One gives the strange name for this drug "sedative" or “soothing”. Very soon I become a pharmacy technician, so everywhere I want to give people the necessary information. "Restful" (Science, sedatives), this is not to Phenibut. This nootropic agent and anxiolitic (relieves anxiety). Nootrop is noos- thinking, tropos-direction, improving thought processes, memory, attention, etc. Phenibut has just no effect on dreaming, but enhances the effect of other hypnotics. Active ingredient - amino-phenyl-butyric acid. It is very important for the nervous system to "brake" the substance is in our brain. The children are used in stuttering, and ticks. It is indicated that in children it is used with extreme caution, especially up to 10 years.

Now on my own experience of usage) Conventional sedatives help me a little, and I got Phenibut.

Should take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day in the course of 2-3 weeks, ie a minimum rate should be 42 pills have to take 3 packs. But it's expensive, and I had the effect from the 1st packing. The anxiety was gone, I was indifferent to the problems, sleep and appetite improved. Although I took only 2 tablets per day, morning and evening. It does not cause any addiction.

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Phenibut is a good nootrop

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