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Pharmacy addiction

30 Oct 2018

Pharmacy drugs are medicines that are excellent in terms of therapeutics. Have a strong analgesic or relaxing effect. But the powders that "consumers" have learned to cook from tablets are not inferior to the most severe drugs.

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The most popular drugs are opiate group drugs (codeine, tramadol), ephedrine-containing drugs, hallucinogenic drugs and tranquilizers with sedative effect. There are many codeine-containing drugs, such as Terpinkod, Sedalgin, Pentalgin, Nurofen-plus, Sedal-M and others. They are used to obtain the effect of euphoria on codeine, withdrawal of fragility, for the production of desomorphine, which is much stronger than codeine and can be used intravenously.

To date, desomorphine drug addiction is regarded by narcologists as one of the most pernicious. Dezomorphine is 16 times more toxic than heroin, the life span of a person who uses this drug is reduced several times.

A separate area of drug abuse is represented by tranquilizers and hypnotics. Phenazepam, Diphenhydramine, naphthyzine, potassium permanganate (now it is on the list of precursors), magnesium sulfate and similar drugs from pharmacies, although not intended for direct use, are of interest to drug addicts as an aid.

Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine (isomer of ephedrine) are found in various mecstures and tablets, used for the preparation of a screw (pervitine) and mulka (methcathinone). Among this group of drugs, many are sold under special prescriptions, in many cities and regions it is rather difficult to obtain it.

Recently, a new "pharmacy" drug, tropicamide, has become very popular among drug addicts. Usually it is used in ophthalmology. When using high doses, terrible side effects are likely: excitation, headache, epileptic fits, arterial, hyperthermia. Overdose can be fatal.

The probability of dying from an ominous medicine is very high. Throwing is as difficult as any other type of drug. Man is already completely dependent, both mentally and physically. Urgent measures must be taken. You need to go to a drug treatment center, where they can provide emergency care. The patient will need serious treatment and rehabilitation.

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