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Pharmacological providing depending on sport

19 Jan 2017

Depending on groups of sports consider the following pharmacological providing:

1. Cyclic sports demand primary implication of endurance. In them high-speed endurance is combined with good coordination of movements.

Running disciplines of track and field athletics, swimming, rowing, canoe racing, bicycle sport, short track belong to cyclic types; and also winter types — skating, cross-country skiing.

The main functional system is cardio respiratory (cardiovascular and respiratory), providing the neuromuscular device.

These sports demand support of a metabolism, the corresponding specialized delivery and drink (maintenance of water balance), especially at marathon distances when there is a switching of power sources with carbohydrate (Natrii phosphases, a glycogen, a glucose) on lipid and the real threat of a dehydration of an organism is framed. Essential value both when forecasting, and in the course of correction of working capacity by means of pharmacological drugs, has control of the hormonal status. From pharmacological agents first of all energy sources are necessary: Natrii phosphates, glycogen and glucose, metabolites of a cycle of Krebs, and also agent of plastic action, vitamin and mineral complexes.

2. High-speed strength sports (all sprint distances, throwing, weightlifting, etc.), which distinctive feature — explosive, short on time and very intensive physical activity.

The main functional system is the neuromuscular device, providing cardio respiratory system.

In most cases rate depends on genetic determinants and gives in both to a training, and influence of medicines a little. Distinguish the cyclic sequence of motor actions (run) and acyclic it (is bright). It is very difficult to improve result on a hundred-meter race, and force and endurance give in to training influences better. It belongs also to pharmacological correction. Born sprinters have higher percent of fast-twitch muscle fibers in comparison with long-distance runners. Rate is very evident indicator — with age augmentation it undergoes the earliest and expressed recession in comparison with force and endurance.

All throwers and weight-lifters require special control of a specialized delivery and shift of a catabolic phase of a metabolism in anabolic without use of the forbidden steroids and Somatotropinum that is reached by use of agents of anabolic action, Natrii phosphases and other energizator, plastic substrates. Also drugs or DTs which effect is focused on depression of intensity of processes of oxidation of lipids (antioxidants) and adaptogens of a plant origin which contain physiologically active agents of antioxidatic action are obligatory.

At sprinters unacceptably uncontrolled augmentation of body weight. Carbohydrate metabolism and energy sources prevail: Natrii phosphases, glycogen and glucose. At the solution of problems of pharmacological support consider that in these sports the main sources of energy are carbohydrate metabolism and Natrii phosphases, glycogen and glucose. As agents carbohydrate and aluminous and lipid admixtures, antioxidants, drugs of power action, beekeeping products, etc. are applied to maintenance of efficiency of the athlete.

3. Combat sports which characteristic feature at an expenditure of energy is the changeable cyclic level of the exercise stresses depending on specific conditions of rivalry and reaching sometimes very high intensity.

The isolation ward, fencing, free-style wrestling, fight Greek-Roman, judo, taekwondo belong to combat sports.

The main functional system - the neuromuscular device, providing cardio respiratory system.

Use of the resolved agents of anabolic action and sources of full-fledged protein is effective. It is also necessary to consider that these sports are in most cases rather traumatic that can be the cause of disturbances of microcirculation and metabolic processes in a brain therefore as protectors it is necessary to use drugs of nootropic action and dezagregant, such as Trentalum, klopidogret, Dipiridamolum (Curantylum), tirofiban (agrostat), Prefolik (Italy, drug in Ukraine it isn't registered), etc., and also drug of new generation abtsicsimab (Reopro), being monoclonal antibody received by a biotechnological method and having the expressed affinity to receptors of thrombocytes that provides potent very much fast and long anti-aggregate effect.

4. Game sports, or sports, are characterized by a big exercise and neuron psychological stress, existence of movements, single combat elements against the background of intensive game thinking at an appreciable load on the top and lower extremities, and also constant alternating of intensive muscular activity and rest. The basketball, badminton, baseball, softball, handball, soccer, water polo, field hockey, ice hockey, table tennis, volleyball beach, curling belong to game types.

The main functional system is cardio respiratory, providing the neuromuscular device, the visual analyzer, and also operational game thinking.

Problems of pharmacological providing are bound to correction of processes of restoration, compensation of energy, improvement of metabolic processes in a brain by means of vitamin complexes, nootropic drugs, adaptogens of plant and animal origin, and also antioxidants.

5. Coordination sports are based on the thinnest elemental motions that requires considerable endurance and attention, and also on a combination of a dynamic operating mode of one muscles to static efforts of others.

The artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, diving, tramp lining, firing bench, firing bullet, archery, synchronized swimming, sailing, whitewater slalom, equestrian sport belong to types; winter types — figure skating, freestyle, bobsled, mountain skiing, luge, snowboarding, skeleton.

Increase in mental stability by means of vegetable medicines of the comforting action (a valerian, a hawthorn without spirit components, pikamilon), use of nootropic medicines, vitamin complexes, the products containing a large number of energy substrata is of great importance (a liver, an egg yolk, seafood, beekeeping products, creamy and vegetable oils, etc.).

6. Technical sports (auto racing, bobsled, parachute jumps, circulation under a sail, etc.) are substantially connected using technical means. At the same time the level of physical activities cannot reach very high values, but the nervous tension sometimes is on a limit of human opportunities, as determines the principles of pharmacological correction — increase in mental stability

7. Besides, there is a series of the admixed sports where different types of the immune biology including the listed types of physical activity of the person are applied. Naturally, problems of pharmacological providing differ considerably and essentially depending on sport, it is necessary to add that there are many problems with restoration and maintenance at the high level of an intellectual form at competitions in chess.

Irrespective of specialization of the athlete maintenance and rising of its special working capacity is the key moment for achievement of high sports results.

The approximate list of the recommended HP and DD for drawing up individual schemes of pharmacological providing by types of sports activity and stages of preparation

All types of physical activity are sectioned on degree of intensity of loads among which distinguish very high, high, average and low. Approximately the same gradation can be marked out also on degree of psychological loads. For example, the chess player tests enormous intellectual overloads while his exercise stresses are small. The same can be told also about fingers from all types of weapon (except shooters from an onion which tension of a bowstring makes more than 40 kg). Absolutely other situation at marathoners, runners on long and average distances, at skiers and cyclists who work till several hours.

If the doctor wants to affect physical efficiency of the athlete, he first of all should tap the factors limiting working capacity to correct them by means of medicinal preparations and biologically active agents. In most cases several factors can be the cause of a fatigue of athletes: depression of energy resources in the working muscles (inadequate rate of resynthesis of ATP, exhaustion of intramuscular stocks of creatine phosphate, glycogen, hypoglycaemia), accumulation of products of exchange (an acidosis, accumulation of lactic acid and urea, a ketosis, change of electrolytic balance, a dehydration), disturbance of integrity of the functioning structures because of a failure of their plastic providing and a homeostasis, functions of a nervous and hormonal regulation. In admixed sports (figure skating, gymnastics, biathlon, all types of firing, etc.) the primary factor limiting working capacity are psychological overloads which demand correction by not doping medicinal preparations, homeopathic remedies and dietary additives.

Considering prevalence of use of dopes, it is necessary to oblige doctors to keep reporting documentation in which real use of medicines with the indicating of the reason of their appointment has to be reflected (by analogy with a case history).

The card of pharmacological providing represents the document in which all actions bound to pharmacological preparation taking into account loads, a delivery and other recovery procedures are reflected (massage, a sauna, psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytical influences, etc.). This map can be kept in any form, the main thing — dynamics of all medic biological and pedagogical actions bound to the athlete's conclusion to "peak form" once in a year, restoration in micro meso - and macro cycles to two-three times in a year has to be reflected in it. The card which is the legal reporting document has to be stored at the doctor as a case history.

By drawing up the card it is necessary to consider the anamnesis of the athlete and distribution of exercise stresses in a year cycle of its preparation, exact dates of competitions for which he prepares, and also a set of the various factors concerning immediately prescribed pharmacological agents. Among them — possible side effects of the drug used at ultra boundary exercise stresses; results of landmark and profound comprehensive examinations (according to biochemical analyses and bench testings); exhaustive information on medicines (including pharm dynamics and pharm cinetics) or DD which are planned to be used in preparation, and also about results of clinical studying (impact on working capacity and restoration in a bench experiment). It is necessary to be convinced, of course, that this drug isn't dope or its structure doesn't contain doping components.

Use of medicine shall be in details proved — it is necessary to specify what function requires correction, and also to give the results of researches confirming need of its use. Effect of medicine shall be coordinated to other recovery actions (massage, a sauna, balneological procedures, hypo - or gxygenation, etc.).

It is final, needless to say, that the doctor shall have copies of certificates of conformity and hygienic certificates on all applied medicines.

Use of pharmacological means is closely tied to the period, stage, micro and to macro cycle of sports preparation and has with respect thereto the specifics.

The sports training in a year cycle usually begins after the competitions with the transition (recovery) period.

Further the all-preparatory stage of the preparatory (basic) period of preparation when the athlete increase a general physical force, speed, endurance follows. Then special physical training which is characterized by enhancement of the skills necessary in this or that type of competitions begins (jumps, sprint, style of swimming, skating stride on skis, firing and ski race in biathlon, occupations on a log in gymnastics, free skating in figure skating, working off of blows in boxing, etc.). Just before competitions already fulfilled skills are enhanced and fixed. During competitions the level of physical and emotional activities reaches the maximum. At this time creation of all conditions for accomplishment of the task set by the trainer, and if necessary, and for urgent recovery is required if starts (duels, fights) follow one by one with small intervals.

When developing schemes of pharmacological providing it is necessary to take correction of the factors limiting sports working capacity into account. It orders the scheme and reduces amount of the drugs used according to the existing indications to use. Depending on a cycle of training process these or those problems of pharmacological support prevail.

In a transition period the main tasks are remission of the slags which collected in an organism as a result of hard physical activity and also putting off of an overstrain (on medical indications). Vitamins and their complexes, macro - and trace substances, immune nmodulators, antioxidants, enterosorbents and other drugs are for this purpose applied.

In the preparatory period (the general and special and preparatory stages) at hard physical activity it is focused on intensifying and support of anabolic processes and immunity in an organism by means of adaptogens, drugs of the plastic action, immune modulators, antioxidants enriched with proteins of a delivery.

In the competitive period of a problem of pharmacological providing are subordinated to creation and a well-timed restore of power depot in the athlete's organism, fight against augmentation of concentration of free radicals, prophylaxis of traumatism and diseases. Also pharmacological agents influencing education of Natrii phosphases (drugs of creatine, ATF-LONG, neotone, ezafosfin, etc.), and the parenteral delivery rich with carbohydrates (carbohydrate saturation) are used. Creation of power depot is carried out also by use in a ration high-carbohydrate or products, depending on specifics of the performed work, and also products of the increased biological value.

In conclusion it should be noted that universal biologically active agents which could increase efficiency of any athlete don't exist. It is caused by the fact that sports considerably differ on the level of physical activities, duration and the power of the performed work, the accuracy of performance of a task, need for concentration of attention and many other qualities therefore individualization of the developed schemes of pharmacological support has to be based on a research of key parameters of a biochemical and hematologic homeostasis of athletes taking into account gender and age differences, their psychophysical characteristics, and also to be tied to sport, to a stage and the period of sports preparation.

Depending on power providing groups of sports, capacities of loadings and level of a lactate in blood can be applied also various means of pharmacological support.

Universal schemes of application of not doping pharmacological means of an ergogenny orientation don't exist today, however the general approaches to creation of such schemes which have to be individualized depending on the tasks facing the athlete, a stage of preparation, degree of fitness, the state of health and objective indicators of a homeostasis of an organism of the athlete are developed.

We provide the approximate list of the recommended HP and DD for drawing up individual pharmacological programs in a year cycle of preparation on types of sports activity.

It isn't recommended to apply more than 5 — 7 medicines and DD at the same time, and with the obligatory accounting of their compatibility. It is necessary to appoint means in a year cycle of preparation taking into account recurrence (course appointment) and tolerances to them as the organism of athletes adapts to monotonously used means of restoration therefore variable, individual complexes depending on sport, the period (stage) of sports preparation are necessary.

Pharmacological providing stages and the periods of training of athletes in macro cycle

1. Preparatory period. In the preparatory period both on the general, and at a special and preparatory stage at hard physical activity it is focused on intensifying and support of anabolic processes and a condition of immune system of an organism by means of adaptogens, drugs of plastic action, the enriched aluminous delivery, immune modulators, antioxidants. Agents are useful to correction of microcirculation and a rheologic condition of a blood, antianemic drugs, in particular iron preparations. The psychoemotional state by means of nootrop.

2. Competitive period. In the competitive period of a problem of pharmacological providing are subordinated to creation and a well-timed restore of power depot in an organism of the athlete and fight against augmentation of concentration of free radicals. Creation of power depot is carried out by means of specialized rich with carbohydrates (carbohydrate saturation) or lipids, depending on specifics of the performed work, and parenteral delivery (drugs of amino acids, lipids). Products of the increased biological value (beekeeping products, nuts, flower pollen and drugs from them), and also the pharmacological agents influencing formation of ATP, a creatine phosphate, etc. are used. On recovery of athletes contain in the simplified type of the reference, for example, such schemes: for representatives of high-speed strength sports — a potassium orotat in combination with Inoziye F; carnitine and Cobamamidum (B12 vitamin drug (for throwers); the same in combination with vitamin E (for weightlifters); in the period of augmentation of training loads — glutaminic acid, a potassium and a magnesium asparaginate, lecithin, extract of an eleuterococcus and vitamin C.

3. Transition period. In the transition (recovery) period the main tasks are release from the toxic products of exchange which collected in an organism as a result of a hard physical work with the help of medicines with an antioxidant and hepatotrophic orientation, and also knocking over of an overstrain on medical indications. Vitamins and their complexes, macro - and minerals, immune modulators, antioxidants, adaptogens and B'day are for this purpose applied.

Recommendations about creation of individual schemes of pharmacological ensuring sports preparation

When scheduling biomedical support of the athlete in this or that group of sports it is necessary:

  • to select individual schemes taking into account functional features, sports and psychoemotional qualities;
  • to determine function of an organism of the athlete which needs correction and to normalize it by means of pharmacological medicines, DD and reasonable food allowance;
  • to pay special attention on power supply, the respiratory function connected with consumption, transport and a consumption of oxygen, a condition of content of free radicals in an organism, functions of immune, nervous and endocrine systems, and also bodies of a natural detoxication (a liver, kidneys) by means of which of an organism the collected toxic products of metabolism shall be removed;
  • not to overload the athlete's organism with substrata and enzymes which are responsible for formation of energetically rich products providing movement (neotone, ATP, glucose, vitamins, minerals, etc.) as their surplus will be removed from an organism as unnecessary and unused on what the additional energy necessary for an organism in case of the strengthened muscular work will be required;
  • to consider dynamics of intensity of physical activities in a year cycle of training of the athlete and to tie the program of pharmacological providing to accomplishment of the tasks set by the trainer (sheathe also special physical training, precompetitive and competitive activities), and also to micro, meso - and to macrocycles taking into account days of rest (without acceptance of pharmacological means);
  • to remember that when using the same pharmacological means their influence on an organism of different athletes can significantly differ. It concerns both the mechanism of action (pharm dinamics), and bioavailability, and biotransformations (pharmacokinetics). Also the individual susceptibility of athletes to the same medicine will be various.

In need of impact on parameters of physical efficiency of the athlete, first of all, it is necessary to reveal the factors limiting working capacity to influence them by means of medicines and DD. Management of this process and its scientific and methodical justification are usually called monitoring and pharmacological correction of efficiency of the person, including restoration and adaptation to physical activity.

Doctors and trainers shouldn't forget that the athlete, even highly professional — the living person therefore it is very important to use all possible means and methods to cause in him positive emotions — it will help it to develop motivation to a victory. The light show, an aromatherapy, all types of massage, water procedures, and also conversations with the psychologist can be for this purpose used.

Parameters limiting efficiency of the person, and the principles of their pharmacological correction

Parameters / Mechanisms of depression of working capacity and restoration / Physical working capacity. Agents for correction

Oppression central and peripheric nervous systems / Central fatigue, depression of conditioned-reflex activity, rate of formation of the movement / It is sharply lowered. Adaptogens, nootropa, vitamins. You can buy Ladasten.

Insufficient functioning of endocrine system / Metabolism imbalance (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, immune globulins, water, electrolytes and others) / It is limited. / Vitamins, antioxidants, special power supply

Depression of function of cardiovascular system, disturbance of a rhythm of heart, microcirculation in fine coronal vessels, sokratitelny ability of a myocardium, a tonus of peripheric vessels (at restrains, overtrainings) / Decrease of blood flow, oxygen transport (hypoxia) and nutrients to the working muscles / Is absent or is lowered. Cardioprotectors (Inosinum, creatine phosphate, òðèôîñôàäåíèí), antiarrhytmic agents, products of beekeeping and others / Respiration function weakening (at excessive physical strains)

Oxygen disadvantage of a blood and tissues (hypoxia) / It is lowered / Respiratory analeptics of not doping structure (ammonia), antigipoksant (Gipoksen, Cytochrome C), antioxidants (vitamin E, etc.), adaptogens

Microcirculation violation / Decrease in blood supply of intensively working muscles, fabric hypoxia / It is sharply reduced. Antiagreganta, spazmolitika, inhibitors of fosfodiesteraza and adenosine receptors

Change of rheological properties and coagulability of blood / Reduction of speed of a blood-groove, up to staz in case of micro thrombi hyper coagulation, tromboembolic conditions / It is significantly reduced. Anticoagulants of direct and indirect action, fibrinolytic medicines, spazmolitik, nootropa

Shifts of acid-base balance in the sour party / Change of buffer reservoir of blood, acidosis / It is moderately reduced. The medicines shifting pH in the alkaline party (sodium bicarbonate), alkaline mineral waters

Decrease in power supply of the working muscles / Lack of a glycogen, ATP, creatine-phosphate, L-carnitine, lipids, proteins / It is significantly reduced. Carbohydrate saturation, L-carnitine, products of beekeeping, PPBTs

Functional vitamin deficiency, trace substances, electrolytes, waters (dehydration) / During high exercise stresses there is a depression of concentration of a giro - and water-soluble vitamins, electrolytes, trace substances and water (especially in a marathon) / It is lowered.

Vitamins and their complexes with electrolytes and trace substances, adaptogens, agents on the basis of a levzea and a tribulus / Inhibition of cellular respiration in the working muscles / Disturbance of transport of electrons in a respiratory chain, synthesis of macroergs, dissociation of respiration and phosphorylation / It is lowered. Adaptogens, giro - and water-soluble vitamins, nootropa, specialized drinks / Initiation of free radical processes in the course of superintensive loads and effect of pro-oxidizers

Formation of hydroperoxides, toxic products, disturbance of functional lability of cellular membranes and biopower mechanisms / It is lowered / Antioxidants, antigipoksant, adaptogens, vitamins E / Depression of an immunologic reactivity (cellular and humoral immunity)

Risk factor for development of banal infections, autoimmune processes / It is lowered / Immune modulators, the combined adaptogens, vitamins, biogenic stimulators, beekeeping products (Propolisum, flower pollen)

Depression of function of a liver, kidneys and other organs at the expense of a condition of an overtraining / Hepatic pain syndrome, reactive pancreatitis, liver hypertrophy, disturbance of excretory function of kidneys, etc. / It is lowered. Gepato protectors, antioxidants, PPBTs, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics

Use of the pharmacological drugs inhibiting a metabolism / Disturbance of transport of electrons of a respiratory chain of mitochondrion, synthesis of ATP and creatine phosphate / It is lowered. Cancellation of the drugs reducing physical operability, restoration of a metabolism

Unbalanced delivery of athletes. Depression of caloric content of a ration / Disturbance of ratios of the main alimentary ingredients, imbalance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, electrolytes, trace substances and vitamins / It is lowered. Correction of a delivery of athletes according to a metabolic cost and the period of sports preparation

Thus, any pharmacological medicine recommended by the doctor shall correspond to a certain column of the table. So, for example, antioxidants, immune modulators and phosphates are located in various columns. It is reasonable to create the combined medicines which influence directly several factors, limiting working capacity, and also processes of adaptation and recovery.

Application of pharmacological means is closely tied to the period, a stage, micro and to macro cycle of sports preparation and has with respect thereto the specifics.

Sports trainings in a year cycle usually begin after the competitions with the transition (recovery) period.

Further the all-preparatory stage of the preparatory (basic) period of preparation when the athlete follows increases a general physical force, speed, endurance. Then special physical training which is characterized by enhancement of the skills necessary in this or that sport begins.

Just before competitions already fulfilled skills are enhanced and fixed. During competitions the level of physical and emotional activities reaches the maximum. At this time creation of all conditions for accomplishment of the task set by the trainer, and as necessary and for urgent recovery is required if starts (duels, fights) follow one by one with small intervals.

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