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Paranoid schizophrenia: Symptoms and treatment of disease. Symptoms of the disease, how it manifests itself

29 Oct 2016

Schizophrenia is a disorder of thought processes and perception of the world in which the untimely diagnosis and failure to comply with the recommendations of the psychiatrist, leads to tragic consequences. As a result, distortion of reality perception person suffering from mental disorder, most of its manifestations, is dangerous to themselves and society. A particularly dangerous form of the disease - paranoid schizophrenia, the symptoms of which provoke the patient to commit crimes.

The first signs of schizophrenia

It should be noted that, due to an unusual perception of the world, many people exposed to various manifestations of psychosis, created works of art, made discoveries in science. The nature of schizophrenia and genius excites scientists and philosophers since ancient times, but in the modern psychiatry has not yet found the exact answer to the question about the reasons for their occurrence.

Early diagnosis and compliance with the doctor's recommendations will help to avoid the most dangerous manifestations. Modern psychiatry classifies the disease into several basic types:

  • Paranoid;
  • Manic;
  • Catatonic;
  • Neurosis.

The correct diagnosis even an expert can only be made after a series of studies. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of conditions and factors that could affect the development of abnormalities in the psyche of a child.

When a genetic predisposition to mental disorders, significantly increase the risk of disease factors such as:

  • Strong emotional stress;
  • Abuse of alcohol or drugs;
  • Head injuries;
  • Infectious diseases.

As a rule, the development of mental illness latently. Obviously disease manifests itself in acute. Often this happens to 25-30 years. The first signs are:

  • Passivity, isolation;
  • Expressions of psychomotor;
  • The disorder of thought processes;
  • Obsessions, phobias;
  • Rave;
  • Auditory or visual hallucinations.

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Characteristic behavioral features in adolescents exposed to disturbances in mental development when a more mature age, include:

- Social distancing - Teen avoids active contacts with their peers;

-Social anxiety - feels uncomfortable in the presence of strangers;

- Emotional lethargy - lack of emotion;

- Passivity - not taking an active part in social processes.

If the child's behavior is found most of the above features and present such factors as genetic predisposition, the risk of symptoms of schizophrenia is greatly increased.

Manic schizophrenia

This type of release as an independent pathology - manic-depressive syndrome. For this psychosis is characterized by a change of state of increased excitability and depression.

Key figures specific to the manic phase are as follows:

  • Hallucinations;
  • Rave;
  • Increased speech and motor activity;
  • Change of state, accompanied by breaks in between remission.

For the depressive phase of this form of the disorder is characterized by:

  • Psychic, Mental and motor retardation;
  • Depression (avoid depression one can use Phenibut, Phenazepam, Afobazol and other);

Each period can last from 4 to 18 months. The duration of remission periods can be tens of years. During any phase of a person suffering from this mental disorder must be treated in hospital.

Typically, during an attack of manic or depressive phase, patients are prone to suicide or commit crimes against others.

Catatonic Schizophrenia

The symptomatology of this type of disease is significantly different from other forms. Here are the features of the behavior of patients with this diagnosis:

  • The theatrical behavior - surprisingly patient begins to dance or freezes in place in the bizarre position;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • The excited state. Not excluded manifestation of aggression against the people around them for no reason;
  • In some cases, the behavior may be different strong inhibition.
  • Fantastic delirium - a distinctive feature of schizophrenia;
  • Anxiety - constantly looks sick. The look is present delight or fear;
  • The patient does not comprehend what is happening, it does not answer the questions.

Attack begins suddenly and occurs in acute form. There is confusion, accompanied by delirium. After the aggravation of patient consciousness becomes clear again. After the attack patients tell about what had been abducted by alien beings who participated in the intergalactic missions, etc.

Sometimes this form of the disorder attacks are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Temperature increase;
  • Fever;
  • Weight reduction, leading to depletion;
  • Bruising.

Such patients need to inpatient treatment.

Neurosis schizophrenia

Neurosis schizophrenia is the most harmless form of schizophrenia. Often there is a transition to a state of stable remission, in which the patient can lead a normal life. This type of easily confused with ordinary neurosis. The behavior of people with this type of disorder is not much different from that of ordinary people and are usually left without proper attention and treatment.

Here are the typical signs that should be taken into account if a person observed deviations:

  • Behavioral changes are demonstrative;
  • The conviction in its ugliness;
  • Fear of threat to life or relatives or their own health;
  • The absolute lack of interest in the opposite sex;
  • Inadequate response to talk of sex;
  • Persistence movements.

Struggling with imaginary ugliness, people exposed to this psychosis, often turn to plastic surgeons. The behavior of some public personalities, constantly changing its appearance - a vivid example of manifestation of schizophrenia.

People suffering from this form, tend to follow certain rituals. For example, they believe must knock on the door a number of times.

In hospital treatment in this case is not necessary. remission often occurs within six months. But in the absence of monitoring by a psychiatrist, this form can turn into paranoid - obsessions flow into overvalued, then - in the delusional.

Geniuses who suffer from this disease

History knows many examples when people with mental illnesses have created the greatest works of art. In a fit of rage or depression created works of literature, poetry, born brilliant mathematical discoveries.

The states of delirium and hallucinations accompanied by many geniuses. Studying the biographies of famous personalities, historical facts, and the like, modern psychiatrists draw conclusions about the general nature of the appearance of genius and mental illness.

Obvious examples of how sometimes close genius and mental disorders are such famous geniuses as:

  • KE Tsiolkovsky - The father of Russian rocket was convinced that the sky is the inscription "Paradise";
  • Salvador Dali - painter, whose works - the result of visions;
  • Vincent Van Gogh- last years of his life was under medical supervision in a psychiatric hospital. He graduated from suicide;
  • Maupassant Guy De - pays special attention to the description of sexual scenes in his many stories. He died in the hospital for the mentally ill;
  • Bulgakov MA - Original images of the works were created as a result of the abuse of morphine;
  • Gogol NV - accompanied the writer's visual and auditory hallucinations, became the basis of works;
  • A. Einstein - Suffered a manic-depressive psychosis.

The participation of the patient in public life

Schizoid disorder is the result of metabolic disorders in the brain. A difficult childhood and difficult socio-economic situation in the family may not be the cause of the disease of the psyche. However, adverse conditions can trigger the manifestation of the disease.

Heredity is just one of the factors that increase the risk of symptoms of schizophrenia.

Unfortunately, the currently existing treatment can not completely rid the patients of this disease. He accompanies the person throughout life, manifesting itself during the relapse. From the quality of the therapeutic measures depend on the duration of remission, during which the patient can lead a normal life.

Often, people are exposed to this illness, are aggressive and commit crimes, especially characteristic of patients with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. Symptoms of this type of disorders - visual and auditory hallucinations, provoked to commit a crime. That is why most of the patients are isolated from society and are compulsory treatment have diagnosed - paranoid schizophrenia.

To effectively combat manifestations of the disease requires a comprehensive approach, namely, a combination of medical treatment strongest neuroleptics in conjunction with the social adaptation of the patient, including expert assistance and support for families.

Upon reaching a long period of remission and subject to constant supervision by experts, people suffering from this disease, it can lead a normal life - work, raise a family. This terrible diagnosis is not a judgment on the condition of constant surveillance experts and proper performance of doctors recommendations.

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