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Overview of popular stimulant of brain function

20 Dec 2016

The human brain is losing the war against the growing amount of information that he has to handle. Neuroscientists say that the human brain is strongly outdated and attention is gradually becoming our most valuable resource. And rare too - reading books transformed into a task that requires almost unbearable in the age of Twitter and BuzzFeed concentration.


But the nature and the scientists gave people a variety of "doping for the brain." And in the information age, involving processing incredible amounts of data, many no longer miss caffeine. Dr. Doping considered the main solutions to improve the functioning of the brain, I learned which ones you can buy at your local pharmacy, which will have to look at the exporters, and which in Russia is strictly prohibited.

How it works

Human brain is made up of neurons. They communicate with each other via electrochemical signals. In this communication the key role played by neurotransmitters and receptors. From the first composed the signals transmitted between cells, and the second - a special proteins that serve as "receivers".

Modalert, Adrafinil, Modafinil

In neurons have their own "chain reaction". If excitatory signals to the cell comes more than retarding, he starts to send down the "web" awakening signals. Biochemistry of the brain and its manifestations, and explained the set of phenomena: joy, sadness, euphoric and depressive states, as well as what happens to the human attention and memory.

Nootropics and drugs with similar in composition, or change the content of the signals transmitted between brain cells, or processing rules. None of them is not in the usual sense of "fuel for the head": they do not give the power cord. With this task cope mainly glucose.

Data on the effectiveness of neuroprotective drugs vary widely. Action of many of them are not fully known. Physicians complain about the lack of funding and lack of interest as the pharmaceutical corporations and scientists to drugs of this type. Nootropics were and are fun to students, freelancers and athletes.

Despite the popular misconception, nootropics do not make people more intelligent. They do not give all the knowledge of the world, but when taking increases concentration and improve memory, to some of them fit in the head. The reaction becomes faster (hence the attention of athletes and anti-doping commission, this category of drugs), and sharper motion. It is in any case not a "miracle pill": side effects of many of them tens.

Prohibited and permitted medicines in Russia

Legends of magic pill, allowing to learn a whole scientific discipline overnight pass from mouth to mouth, from site to site. Numerous stories about the "great session on the preparation for a night with coffee and Phenotropil " from a certain moment reminiscent of student stories. Ambitious students with coffee, energy and various "bombs caffeine (for example, well-known among students Cocktail" Alarm "- coffee, brewed to drink cola or energy) moving to tablets with interesting names.

Nootropil, Piracetam

The most popular nootrop today - Piracetam and its derivatives. Open Belgian pharmacists in the 60-ies of the last century. Used to form in the brain of new neural connections, allows better and longer focus on any problems. The medical purpose of this drug - wake speech and movement functions in people who have suffered strokes, and to deal with depressed patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders. The pharmacy can be found under the name nootropil, Lutset or Etiracitam. The cost ranges from 100 to 200 rubles, for sale without a prescription.

Another known group of drugs are Adderall and Ritalin, developed and used for the treatment of ADD ( "Attention Deficit Disorder") in children in the United States. There are almost equally, both - strong stimulants and cause not only a burst of energy, but also psychological dependence. Many have noted the similarity of products in composition and action with amphetamines. At the moment, not only the medicines themselves, but also their key components are banned in Russia. However, both drugs are imported to Russia illegally and sold at a price of 100 to 200 dollars per piece.

A great success with knowledge workers uses Phenotropil. Created in Russia in the 60s as a modification known nootropics (namely, piracetam) to the needs of the Soviet space and aviation. It acts as a powerful psychostimulant, it causes a surge of strength and energy, allows you to concentrate on complex tasks, despite the fatigue. It is famous for the variety of side effects from drowsiness to irritability and pronounced aggressiveness.

Rising superstar brain stimulant modafinil is now considered. French development of the '70s, designed to combat narcolepsy and overbought for US production is now the most popular nootropic for people of intellectual and creative professions. According to some reports, can keep the brain in good condition up to 3-4 days and allows you to deal with large projects (articles, projects and dissertations), almost twice as fast.

Modafinil is incredibly popular among freelancers due to a combination of efficiency of safety - one or two tablets taken in the morning, ensure enhanced brain function the next day and a half. Modafinil studies did not confirm the existence of any relationship, the presence of "withdrawal" or any pronounced side effects. In Russia it is forbidden since 2012.

For lovers of natural ingredients market marrow amps offer products containing gamma-aminobutyric acid. For example, Pikamilon or Phenibutum. In action much similar to piracetam analogues, but in addition, relieve headaches and help with good hangover.

Also in the fight against anxiety, sleepiness, and general weakness can help glycine (amino acetic acid). the soft cumulative effect (where it is necessary to spend on drink a course of the drug a month-long or two) can improve memory, and some brain processes.

Plant extracts can also help. Marc ginkgo biloba, ginseng and Siberian Ginseng have a strong stimulating effect. They help in the fight against stress and obsessive anxiety. Sold in the form of infusions, and in the form of tablets.

To drink or not to drink

The main rule when accessing Nootropil - make sure they are really necessary. They really should not drink out of boredom or interest in fashion nootropIC topics. If human activities associated with the processing of large data flows and, most importantly, he copes with it is bad, then recourse to stimulants really makes sense. But the doctor's advice in such matters can not hurt.

Remember the worth and that stimulation of the activity of the organism in any way - it is "rent" his forces. Either way, the brain will require a fee. After finishing a long project under the action of nootropics or other stimulants, can sleep for 16-18 hours and a few days to suffer apathy or irritability.

To welcome many of these drugs went as smooth as possible, it is recommended to comply with sleep, food and drink. For the duration of the course or drugs it makes sense right and eat regularly and to monitor the water consumption. Even if the task of reception of tablets is not sleep and continue to operate as long as possible, it is recommended to take breaks to sleep at least 2-4 hours duration.

Another interesting tactic to combat congestion in the information field is not the body to adapt to it, and vice versa - in a careful filtering of incoming data. Hard-adjusted themes and things worthy of attention, throwing "garbage" and negative factors may be at times it's a secret to adapt to the new information space - to allow him to increasingly pass itself. At least in this case do not have to drink any questionable pills.

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