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Original Jintropin rhGH

04 Apr 2017

What is the system for protecting the original Somatropin (rDNA origin) for injection from the underground?

GenSci Pharmaceuticals has developed a system to provide anti-counterfeit protection to protect the product from counterfeits. Its implementation allows not only to confirm the authenticity of the drug, but also to prevent the spread of falsified products.

Each package of Jintropin is assigned an individual number, designed to check the originality of the drug on the company's official website. Do not forget take Mildronate for better results.

When verifying the authenticity of the product it turns out whether the product you purchased was registered. Its implementation consists of several stages. First of all, you need to find on the site section: "Jintropin ™ Anti-counterfeiting System".

The packing box is equipped with a sticker on which the silver cover hides the original security code. After its removal, the code is entered into the cells that are on the site in the corresponding subsection.

Next, find a photo, the image on which is identical to the sticker on the packing box. If a match is found as a result of their comparison, you need to use the "same" button. This allows you to open a window with information confirming the belonging of this product to a particular market (country). This page contains a detailed description of the protection codes and photo gallery.

Somatropin (rDNA origin) for injection can be presented in 4 variants of packing depending on the number of bottles (5, 10, 20, 50) and additional equipment.

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