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Nootropics and Psychologists

16 Dec 2016

This article focuses on the use of the most harmless and safe neuroprotective drugs in psychological practice.

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A distinctive feature of practical psychology is that practical psychologists are taken to help the client change his condition for the better only methods of psychology. practical psychologist Arsenal great: plenty of exercise, a variety of methods for the analysis of the client's situation, and the impact on the situation itself, to the client. Find the source of conflicts and contradictions that prevent live and work together to learn how to eliminate it.

The neighboring discipline - psychiatry, similar problems are solved a bit differently. It is the medical model: diagnosis - drug treatment. In some cases, this approach is justified. And psychologists are faced with situations that are powerless. This is often due to a deficiency of client resources, its inability to work towards the elimination of the source of the problems.

For example, if you have severe depression or a phobia, a psychologist will torment you with questions and methods - will look for reasons. Then he will look at you and your environment resources to overcome the crisis. Such work may last for months and years, and, of course, bring their precious fruit. The psychiatrist can also prescribe anti-depressants and tranquilizers. The magical effect comes quickly. Feedback in the form of mental anguish and anxiety will be eliminated. There is a side effect - a problem of addiction, dependence and withdrawal.

I think that the most reliable results can be obtained by means of simultaneous psychiatrist and psychologist. As often happens: the psychologist can send the recipe to a psychiatrist, and the psychiatrist of the techniques to practical psychology.

Therefore, the article is devoted to drugs that are available over the counter without a prescription, and take in its sole discretion. Drugs that may not only recommend a psychiatrist and a psychologist, but also resourceful student.


In fact, glycine or aminoacetic acid - this is real food. Even taste sweet. Asked how much of glycine in food and body products, you can answer that - a lot. Our nervous system is using glycine - the small molecule of the ten atoms in order to transmit signals from neuron to neuron. Glycine is a neurotransmitter. Glycine "slow" neurons. Glycine reduces isolation of neurons "excitatory" amino acids. Glycine helps release another "inhibitory" amino acids - GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid.

If not use glycine in the composition of food products, and in the free, water-soluble form, it has a pronounced effect on the nervous system:

- sedative - soothes, reduces emotional stress without hypnotic effect,
- tranquilizer - reduces feelings of anxiety, fear, inner tension,
- anti-depressant - reduces symptoms of depression. It improves mood, reduces depression, lethargy, apathy, anhedonia, Aboulia
- nootrop - improves cognitive skills: attention, memory, thinking.

All these wonderful effects are not immediately apparent. In order that they appeared, you need to accumulate a certain amount of glycine synapses. For this it must be taken three times a day for at least a week. After you stop taking it, the positive effects will stay for some time, and will gradually come to naught.

From personal experience, the use of glycine can confirm that science and creativity really are much easier and better. Less distracting extraneous stimuli, it is easier to organize the drive and send them to the right, constructive direction. Many people do not notice these effects, because it has not yet learned to look closely to the details.


This is also an amino acid that is widespread in a variety of organisms. Aminalon that same is gamma-aminobutyric acid, which stimulates the secretion of glycine. GABA is the major mediator that is involved in the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system. You can buy Aminalon.

From braking excessively overclocked nervous system by means of gamma-aminobutyric acid can be such a benefit:

  • sedative - soothes, reduces emotional tension and excitement,
  • tranquilizer - reduces feelings of anxiety, fear, inner tension,
  • It improves the metabolism of the brain - blood supply, tissue respiration, glucose utilization, energy processes,
  • stabilizes high blood pressure,
  • increases mental alertness due to cost savings and reallocation of resources of the nervous system,
  • nootrop - improves cognitive skills: attention, memory, thinking.

The same drug is cumulative action - stored for some time, and then only appear beneficial properties.

What is so useful in Glycine and Aminalon for a psychologist?

First of all, its nootropic, stabilizing and reinforcing properties on the background of safety, harmlessness and safety.

When a person seeks the advice of a psychologist, I have a problem that pulling the resources of the nervous system for some time and are now pulling. For productive work with a psychologist at the counseling necessary to make an effort to remember, remember, reflect, ask questions, even to express criticism concerning the work itself. All this is very important for you and for the psychologist.

Does not always calm, focus, get back on track, get back on the right track thinking. If you see such problems, why suffer and waste your time? A small course most innocuous nootropics in the world and you have to self-confidence, learn from consulting a psychologist to solve problems that have recently seemed insurmountable.

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