Noopept – Restore to me the short memory
03 Jan 2017
Advantages: memory is returned
Disadvantages: expensive
After a nervous breakdown, I've lost my short-term memory, no diary, I do no longer remember anything, disgusting feeling.
In connection with the case, in my personal medicine cabinet, it appeared nootropics Noopept. Passing complex treatment, the drug itself, I took two tablets a day, one in the morning and afternoon.
Small tablets, round, drunk very easily, do not have special taste.
During the week after the start of the first dose, I no longer use the reminder, at the end of the week I have ceased to be overly irritable and returned to a normal restful sleep.
At that time I was studying at the university and at the time of the session, which is nearly two weeks after taking the first pill, I solved the problem easily.
In general, six weeks after going the full course of treatment (two packages of the drug) I was a smart memory to cheer memorized all the necessary examinations, tasks, I decided to quickly, accurately, without excessive nervousness, and insomnia was gone.
Usage time: 1 course