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Noopept Restore Short - Term Memory

10 Jun 2016

After a nervous breakdown, I've lost my short-term memory, without diary and reminders I do longer remember nothing, it’s a disgusting feeling.

In connection with the case, in my personal medicine cabinet, it appeared nootropics "Noopept". Passing complex treatment, the drug itself, I took two tablets a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Tablets of Noopept are small, tidy, it is easy to take them, and they do not have much taste. They are packed in a mesh package; they get out easily by pressing with one finger.

During the week after the start of the first dose of Noopept, I no longer use the reminder, at the end of the week I have ceased to be overly irritable and returned to a normal restful sleep.

At that time I was studying at the university and at the time of the session, which is nearly two weeks after taking the first pill, I have tasks of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, and I solved tasks like cracking nuts.

In general, six weeks after going the full course of treatment (two packages of Noopept) I had a gorgeous memory to cheer memorized all necessary State Standard (their name for sure), the tasks I solved quickly, accurately, without excessive nervousness, no trace of insomnia had left.

Someone from the Brazil - just purchased the goods:
Noopept 10mg 50 pills