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Noopept - motor memory improvement!

01 Mar 2017

The rhythm of modern life requires processing huge amounts of information that creates a substantial burden on the brain. Our body - a product of evolution, rather than a biological analogue of a computer, so the brain can not sustain high activity 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. How can we use science to protect your brain from overloading and simultaneously improve its function? After all, no matter how great was the desire to unwind and relax, often we are faced with very different objectives: to increase the pace of implementation of the work, pass the session, learn a foreign language.


Specifically, in order to protect the brain from a variety of acting on it unfavorable factors and to avoid "overheating", designed drugs called nootropics. Nootropics (Greek noos - thinking mind;. Tropos - direction) have a specific positive impact on higher integrative brain function, resulting in the improvement of mental activity, stimulation of cognitive, learning and memory, enhance brain resistance to damaging factors, including extreme pressure and hypoxia.

Noopept - nootrop innovation, developed by Russian scientists, helps the brain to better adapt to the damaging effects and other adverse factors, worsening memory, attention and learning ability. Action Noopept physiological for the body, because based on the formation of the active compound with a complex called cyclo-prolyl-glycine is present in our brain. That this substance is also called "peptide memory."

The drug also has a vegetative-normalizing effect, ie reduces the headaches, dizziness, palpitations, helps normalize sleep and get rid of irritability and emotional lability.

Noopept action mechanism is aimed at all the main memory cells - primary processing, storage and retrieval of information. But do not be surprised if the doctor will prescribe Noopept someone from your family: the drug helps improve brain function due to deterioration of blood supply in the elderly, as well as cope with the effects of traumatic brain injury and stroke, asthenic disorders and autonomic disorders.

Official indications for use:

Violations of memory, attention and other cognitive functions, and emotionally labile disorder, including elderly patients, with:

  • the consequences of traumatic brain injury
  • commotion syndrome
  • cerebral vascular disease (encephalopathy different genesis)
  • asthenic disorders
  • other conditions with signs of reducing intellectual productivity
Formal contraindications to the use of:
Pregnancy, lactation. Age up to 18 years. Hypersensitivity to the drug. Lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption. Expressed human liver and kidneys.

Driving Noopept application is simple and easy: 1 tablet (10 mg) x 2 times a day (morning and afternoon). It is important to emphasize that to achieve the full effect of taking the drug should be carried out a course (of at least 1.5 months = 2 packages), since restoration "work" for the brain will take some time Noopept like "teaches" the brain to work in the new regime.

It is important that the end of the reception Noopept does not require a gradual reduction of the dosage: the drug simply canceled - and all. Noopept not enter into interactions with alcohol, drugs and antihypertensive agents, agents stimulating effect.

Noopept can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Note: For more information about the drug Noopept read the instruction on medical application.

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