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Noopept - helps to think

20 Nov 2016

It all started with the fact that to us finally come spring, the first warm, sunny days. And, apparently, life must tune up with new colors ... in a sense, so it is ... but at the same time feel a certain helplessness and constant desire to sleep. At that time, as the coming regular session, exams and diploma. I wanted to somehow cheer up, as well as improve my memory and mood, because it was very difficult to learn.

"Noopept"- nootropic innovation, developed by Russian scientists, helps the brain to better adapt to the damaging effects and other adverse factors, worsening memory, attention and learning ability. Action of "Noopept" physiological for the body, because based on the formation of the active compound with a complex called tsikloprolilglitsin that is present in our brain. That this substance is also called "peptide memory."

The drug also has vegetonormalizuyuschee action, that is, reduces headaches, dizziness, palpitations, helps normalize sleep and get rid of irritability and emotional lability.

Noopept action mechanism is aimed at all the main memory cells - primary processing, storage and retrieval of information. But do not be surprised if the doctor will prescribe Noopept someone from your family: the drug helps improve brain function due to deterioration of blood supply in the elderly, as well as cope with the effects of traumatic brain injury and stroke, asthenic disorders and autonomic disorders.

By myself I can say that the first effect, I saw on the third day. The first two took to her head ached a bit sometimes, but then seemed clear. Sleeping during the day did not want, slightly increased concentration and attention. In general, the effect of promise two weeks of reception, and the entire course of 1.5-3 months.

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