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Noopept – for Recovery of brain activity

11 Jun 2016

Noopept is a nootropic agent which with proper use improves the efficiency of the brain. The course of treatment lasts about 60-90 days, a day eating 2 tablets can significantly improve the efficiency of the brain for the course.

On currently tested, after treatment in 3 months head began to clear work, normal sleep now enough and 6 hours per day. Also, this drug calms the nervous system and people with autonomic cardiovascular dystonia will have a good impact from Noopept.

Memory restores already in 5-6 weeks of usage of Noopept.

The only drawback of Noopept – it is its price, and the rest is very "prosperity." Also this drug helps in concusion. An overdose of Noopept can not happen, though all packing at once eat, just for once assimilated by the body not more than 20 mg, and the rest is displayed in a natural way.

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