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15 Dec 2016

Nicergolin (sermion) is the structural analog of alkaloids of an ergot containing the rest of nicotinic acid.

Nicergolin (sermion)

Pharm cinetics. After intake it is well soaked up in digestive tract. In a blood of 90% of drug it is bound to proteins of plasma, in a liver is exposed to a biotransformation with formation of two metabolites. It is removed generally with urine and it is insignificant with bile. You can buyu Sermion.

Pharm dynamics. Dilates brain vessels, improves a cerebral blood stream. Increases utilization of oxygen and a glucose brain cells, positively influences bioelectric activity of a brain. Shows spasmolytic action concerning peripheric vessels. Drug improves rheological properties of a blood, renders antiagregant effect.

The mechanism of action of nicergolin is caused and adrenoceptor blocking operation and blockade of calcium channels.

Indications to use: disturbances of a cerebral and peripheric circulation, age disturbances of intellectual activity, memory depression.

Side effects of nicergolin: depression of the ABP, giddiness, sleepiness or sleeplessness, dermahemia of the person and top half of a trunk, dysfunction of the digestive channel.

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