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Neurotic - Who is he?

29 Oct 2016

In your life you may have encountered insecure people who are constantly society and easily fell into a depression or simply discouraged. Describing the outside of the man, you can inadvertently answer the question who is neurotic. Psychiatry complicated by the fact that there are no symptoms characteristic of a single disorder. To correctly identify a person suffering from neurosis, one should try.

Causes of neurasthenia.

As we have seen, the root of evil lies in the neurosis. We can say with confidence that this condition will last very long, difficult to get out of it. And what about the causes? All of them are rooted in our childhood:

  • Excessive love and care from their parents.
  • The coldness and indifference of them the same.
  • Establishing a too high rate.
  • Permanent setting an example of success of other children.
  • Regular corporal punishment for the slightest fault.

In fact, it causes much more than five. It may seem that any step parents can lead to dire consequences for the child's psyche. But it is not so, in fact rather "not too far" and the principle of "golden mean".

6 problems in neurotic’s workplace.

What is the main problem of neurotics? Pathological self-doubt. The man does not believe in themselves, purely subjective, without any objective reason. It can be a first-class specialist in their field, highly valued in the team or in the workplace, regularly receive awards and promotions.

But as long as the employee is not to get rid of a neurosis, it is hard to believe that:

  • They want to get fired.
  • It is a burden, and only the bosses and dreams, as if to get rid of him.
  • Make a plan - an unrealistic task.
  • Another important project or initiative can not be guaranteed.
  • All employees find it worthless.
  • All ganged up against him and only think how to survive from the workplace.

The most unpleasant in this situation lies in the fact that this position is supported by only low self-esteem neurasthenic. Thoughts arise spontaneously, and they all rely on the whole the same low self-esteem. One look from management or employees whispering to the person suffering from neurosis began to think that a couple of days he would be fired because of the incompetent.

And the ruler could just look into the distance, and colleagues were talking about something completely extraneous. These judgments, though like nonsense, but from a purely medical point of view they are not. The patient can be persuaded by means of talks and common logic.

After ten sessions a psychotherapist, neurotic will otherwise look at themselves and the world around.

How will develop a relationship with a man-neurotic?

The neurotic in a relationship can be a real problem. For starters, look for the relationship itself is quite difficult. Recall that the man pathologically insecure in himself, he does not even dare to meet with somebody, 99 times out of 100.

But to be alone or lonely all his life - a dubious option, sooner or later anyone will overcome their fear of uncertainty, and decides to strike up an acquaintance, the same 1 case out of a hundred.

You think communicate with neurotic nice? The interviewer may be different above-average intelligence, and that is not a fact. But his self-doubt you are guaranteed. In all, he will be looking for some kind of trick, hidden meaning, or your rejection of the further continuation of dialogue. Grievances over trifles, confusion, constant of requestioning and clarify the situation.

Neurotics are poorly integrated into society and have a minimum experience of communication. Of course, you can raise the self-esteem a man by his actions, attention and mutual sympathy. But for how long will there be enough mate as he can proterpet constant suspiciousness or omissions of the "second half"?

Another point: man elated with success, may well decide that his current girlfriend is uneven, it just has to find yourself someone better. And do not be surprised, they themselves have inflated his ego. It was necessary to know the measure in everything.

A few tips, or how to get rid of the problem without assistance.

Suppose you are prone to neuroses. Frequent panic attacks, even reluctance to take on some business, believing in advance failed. Joins all this constant depression most likely will not improve the quality of life. You can give a couple of tips:

  • Do not be afraid of psychotherapists. You do not "upekut" in a psychiatric hospital, if your condition is not dangerous to others.
  • "Road by walking." A fair statement, even after so many centuries. In order to achieve the result - it is necessary to begin to do something.
  • Find your favorite business and achieve success in it. Recognition by others is guaranteed to affect your self-esteem.
  • Do not try to control everything forever. Release the "bits" and see how things go. From one such attempt nothing catastrophic happens.

You can start carefully look closely to the people around. It is enough to understand that they are not much different from you. Also make mistakes and do stupid things, not all of them out, their performance is often worse than yours, they tend to fall into the silly and absurd situations.

Slightly lowered his opinion of others, we can begin to objectively perceive their place in the surrounding reality. And now the opinion of outsiders will excite you much less, because you already know all their weaknesses. Do not get hung up on this, because you can go from one extreme to another.

What is the consequence of this violation?

Neurotics usually show their upset in two opposite ways.

  • The first - a fully insulate themselves from the outside world or to reduce the number of contacts with him to a minimum. With no one to talk, nowhere to work, would not be taken. Especially if it provides some responsibility. The calculation is taken the most extreme and launched an option at the initial stages of neurosis in humans is simply a persistent reluctance of anything taken.
  • The second is much more interesting. The desire to take everything under control already mentioned. A sick person seeks to win the favor of the people around them, to be their leader. Can manifest in all cases, but this feature helps people make a good career. Not only corporations but also in the political arena. These people are extremely dangerous for its motives and low emotional control. The same Hitler probably was neurotic.

How it was possible to understand man rushes from one extreme to another.

Neuroses may entail the development of psychosomatic pathology. Without apparent reason the patient will start to feel pain, to complain about the disruption of any organ. It is treated with medication (Phenibut, Phenazepam, Afobazol), psychiatrists.

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