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Neuroleptics, Antipsychotics. Part 5

14 Dec 2016

When I began to talk about antipsychotics, someone cried out, saying, What are you telling us about the junk! Like, the whole civilized world is crazy for a long time already eats atypical drugs, giving to any slide roof roofing asymmetric answer! Let me explain. Firstly, if we tell - what about all the antipsychotics. And the picture will be incomplete, and what sort of university education without the full picture? That's right, None.

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Secondly, the civilized world is crazy, guzzling - atypical antipsychotics all together, is the dream of the pharmaceutical companies who produce these drugs. But the reality is a bit more diverse, and at the same notorious west in the course of not only atypical antipsychotics, but also quite a classic. Why? And this is the third.

Third, atypical antipsychotics, too (because that's a surprise!) have their own side effects. They, too, though to a lesser extent, are capable of causing neuroleptic syndrome (and in fact not the last, if not in the first place because of it they began to develop). And metabolism affect sometimes stronger than typical. And it does not always their effect on the hallucinations, delusions and other psychotic symptoms is stronger than classical neuroleptics. In addition, it is worth considering that there are still individual sensitivity and idiosyncrasy of drugs - and it becomes clear why the classic is not yet cast in granite and pushed somewhere far away in the storerooms of medical museums.

But enough retreats, we move on to the actual atypical antipsychotics. Strictly speaking, the first of their representatives were Azaleptin and Eglonil. About them I had to tell you now the turn of a new, which are now used in large quantities.

Risperidone (Rispolept, Risset, Torendo, rispolux... oh, all trade names, and do not count. It first appeared (or rather, was approved by all commissions and associations) in 1993, and came the golden days for the company Janssen that began to produce this drug.

The main range of action of Risperidone - is hallucinations and delusions. Or something, and another when it comes to complete paranoid (paranoid-hallucinatory) syndrome. It is worth noting that hallucinations and delusions secondary (the one that was born under the influence of hallucinations: I see, I hear - that and raving) Risperidone is stronger than the actual nonsense. One that primary, which crystallized from the same, for example, paranoid patient itself without hallucinatory manifestations. In addition, you can use Risperidone, to appease, calm down maniacal passion - but does not always force neuroleptic it enough. Have risperidone and soft soothing effect - but Achtung! This is not an excuse to stick it to anyone who suddenly developed anxiety or anxiety - they say, he, unlike tranquilizers, addiction does not. Risperidone is not used for this purpose!

Yes, risperidone gives markedly less pronounced neuroleptic syndrome, and considerably less of its causes, than, for example, haloperidol. But also it can cause. Due to the fact that the drug in this respect, is softer, can be assigned in a dose of more, and those who neuroleptic more sensitive - for example, patients whose psychosis was caused by organic brain damage, or elderly people with hallucinations and delusions . And patients with schizophrenia, as they say, God himself commanded. Another thing is, I repeat, that is not always the effect of it is good as expected. Often - but not always. You can try Phenibut.

In addition, Risperidone was more likely than other atypical antipsychotics (here the frequency with him can be compared amisulpride) increases blood levels of this hormone, as prolactin. And it is - a set of body weight, up to obesity, it is a failure of the menstrual cycle, until the disappearance of menstruation (not all, but still unpleasant) in women, gynecomastia, and reduced potency in men, and that the most unpleasant - is (sometimes, but nevertheless) risk of developing diabetes type. And other delights increase prolactin levels in the blood. And that's not counting other, more rare, but possible side effects and allergies.

However, the drug is not bad. This is the reason that he became one of the key that is assigned in the first place when the manifest and the next exacerbation of schizophrenia. Yes, and in many other psychoses too. Risperidone is the main , but, again, not the only one.

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