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Nasal Drops Semax - Instruction, Dosage, Side Effects, Review

18 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: Nootropics.

Synonyms: Minisem.

Active substance: Methionyl-glutamyl-histidyl-phenylalanyl-prolyl-glycyl-proline.

Indications for Semax

- Intellectual and mental disorders in vascular brain lesions, post-traumatic brain injury, brain surgery and anesthesia;

- Encephalopathy, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) and neurotic disorders of various origins, including after ionizing radiation, the recovery period after a stroke;

- To increase the adaptive capacity of the human body in extreme situations;

- Prevention of mental fatigue when the monotone operator activity in the most intense periods of work in a stressful environment.

In ophthalmology: Semax used in optic nerve atrophy, neuritis, inflammatory, toxic and allergic etiology.

In pediatrics: as nootropic agents in children aged 7 years in the treatment of minimal brain dysfunctions (including ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Semax dosage

Semax applied intranasally using a bottle, a sealed plastic cap-pipette.

One drop of the standard solution contains 50 mg of active substance. Pipette the solution of the drug in an amount of not more than 2-3 drops administered in each nostril. If necessary, increase the dosage administration is carried out in several stages with intervals of 10-15 minutes.

When intellectual-mental disorders, vascular brain lesions, encephalopathy, transient ischemic attack single dose of 200 - 2000 mg (per 3 - 30 mleg / kg).

The daily dose of 800-8000 mg (calculated 7-70 mcg / kg).

The drug is prescribed for 2-3 drops in each nostril four times a day for 10 -14 days, repeat the treatment if necessary.

After a traumatic brain injury, brain surgery and anesthesia single dose of 1400 - 3500 g (40-50 mg / kg) 3 times a day for 3-5 days. If necessary, treatment is extended up to 14 days.

To increase the adaptive capacities of the human body and the prevention of mental fatigue 3-5 days 2-3 drops in each nostril 2-3 times in the first half of the day. The daily dose of 400-900 mg / day. repeat the treatment if necessary.

In diseases of the optic nerve drug instill 2-3 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day. The daily dose of 600-900 mg / day. The course of treatment 7-10 days. Furthermore, the drug can be administered by intranasal electrophoresis drug is injected from the anode. The current strength of 1 mA, duration of exposure 8.12.15 minutes.
The daily dose of 400-600 mg / day. The course of treatment 7-10 days.
In pediatrics:
Children from 7 years old. With minimal brain dysfunction: 1-2 drops in each nostril (the rate of 5-6 mg / kg) 2 times a day (morning and afternoon). The daily dose of 200-400 mg / day. The course of treatment for 30 days.

Semax Side effect
Prolonged use may slight irritation of the nasal mucosa.

Semax Drug interactions
Based on the chemical structure of the drug presence of chemically incompatible combinations are not supposed to: the drug quickly breaks down and does not enter the digestive tract.

Given the chemical structure of the drug (heptapeptide - a synthetic analogue of adrenocorticotropic hormone, completely devoid of hormonal activity), the speed of absorption and the rate of admission into the bloodstream, as well as intraiazalny route of administration, the effect of other drugs on the pharmacokinetic parameters of Semax nasal drops 0.1% is expected. Given the route of administration Semax nasal drops 0.1% (intranasal) administration desirable agents possessing local vasoconstrictor activity when administered intranasally.

Semax for children
Combination with other neuroprotective drugs
Q - Is it possible to combine with a course of reception Semax nootropil? Cogitum?
Answer - Semax important feature - the lack of interaction with other drugs. Semax does not violate the actions of other medicines, so used in any combination therapy.
Combine with Semax nootropil (piracetam) does not make sense, because Semax surpasses it in nootropic effect; other effects have no piracetam.
With Cogitum can be mutual reinforcement of clinical activity, since drugs in the CNS have a different point of application, but the effect is the same direction. However, it is desirable to use drugs in a child up to 16.00, as possible sleep disorder (present at Cogitum stimulating effect, which may overlap antiastenic effect Semax).

Semax for child two years, safety

Question - Doctors prescribe Semax children, and in the instructions contraindications age - up to 7 years. For some reason, there is a contraindication? What happens to the baby?

Answer - Semax has a normalizing effect on the neurons of the brain and, consequently, on brain function. Moreover, the more depressed brain function (eg, voice), the drug will be more active. Semax therapeutic effect appears in all CNS: it increases the synthesis of neurotrophins brain that enhances neuronal plasticity of the brain and their functions are normalized.

With regard to instruction. Currently, there are instructions, which stated that Semax prescribed to children from 7 years. Where appropriate, the application of the drug issues not addressed instruction of the Ministry of Health standards for the treatment of a separate decree.

The clinic of Pediatrics Medical University conducted a study in which, Semax administered to children, starting from 3-6 months, with good clinical results and without significant side effects. Based on these studies, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation included in treatment standards Semax retinopathy of prematurity. While a change in the instructions are not made, the need for Semax children determined by the attending physician.

Statistics show that more than half of all medicines used in pediatric practice, not shown in children and their use in children regulates doctor the relevant specialty. Semax is one of the safest drugs currently available on the pharmaceutical market, not only in Russia but also in the world, in spite of 17 years of clinical experience of its use did not report any serious adverse disorders or symptoms of overdose, including in children's practice.

Most of the drugs used in medicine, children and adults can cause ambiguous effects, for example, in children is more pronounced side effects of drugs. First of all, this is due to the immaturity of the systems of neutralization of drugs in the liver. The action of Semax on children and adults equally. Equally high for them and the safety of the drug. Especially that Semax metabolism is not associated with liver enzymes, and is carried out by tissue enzyme systems responsible for the degradation of endogenous proteins and forming in utero development.

Semax at ADHD
Question - child 7 years old, diagnosed with hyperactivity, attention deficit, before school pediatrician recommends 0.1% Semax help at ADHD?
Answer - "Semax 0,1%" has been used successfully for the treatment of ADHD. Due to its effects, the drug helps to reduce the symptoms of ADHD, helps the child to adapt to a new school and mental stresses, increases perseverance, positive effect on memorizing new material, reduces emotional lability.

Semax with delayed mental and speech development (CRA)
Question - A child 10 years old diagnosed with mental and speech development delay, have a problem in correctional school (impaired attention and consideration, distraction) which better concentration of drug use 0.1% or 1%?
Answer - Semax solution of 1%.
The course is 1 drop in each nostril 2 times a day. From the practice of the pediatricians at CRA assignment - 21 days.

Semax at TBI
Semax and Recovering from a traumatic brain injury

Q - What can help Semax after a head injury?
The answer Semax prevents and reduces the effects of TBI. It stimulates the regeneration of damaged shock or injury when cells stop damaging chain of changes in the brain. It helps in restoring the memory, speech and movement, prevent and reduce the long-term effects of head trauma, such as reduced vision, memory disorders, and others.

How can help Semaks drop in head injury?
Question - Do Semax really speed up recovery after TBI?
Answer - Semax unique product created just for restoration of disturbed functions of the CNS. It prevents the destruction of damaged neurons, promoting their rehabilitation and inclusion in the work, allowing the surviving trauma cells take over the function of the victims.
Semax intranasally injected: in this case, during the preparation of the olfactory nerves directly penetrates into the brain and rapidly exerts its therapeutic effect, thereby accelerating the recovery. Therefore, "Semax 0,1%" recommended for TBI to prevent complications.

Semax and Anesthesia
Question - How can Semax reduce the effects of anesthesia?
Answer - "Semax" protects nerve cells from oxygen starvation and caused them damage which is adverse reaction to anesthetic agents. To expedite and facilitate the way out of the anesthesia, as well as to restore the normal functioning of nerve cells after it.

It is recommended to use "Semax 0,1%" for 3-6 days before the operation and another 3-6 days after her 3 drops in each nostril 2 times a day.

In the future, repeat courses "Semax 0,1%" will help reduce the effects of the old general anesthesia on the nervous system.

Restore memory after anesthesia
Question - Can Semax shorten the recovery of memory due to its deterioration after anesthesia?
Answer - Applications Semax able to restore memory (especially short-term) and to enhance attention. It restores the functional activity of neurons impaired due to exposure to harmful factors (in this case, means for anesthesia), thus reducing the time of recovery of memory.

Semax at Stroke
You can enable Semax by the complex in the treatment of stroke?

Q - Is it possible to drip Semax stroke simultaneously with other medications?
Answer - Adding to the "1% Semax" comprehensive treatment of the drug, and possibly justified - it is beneficial and does not disturb the action of other drugs. "Semax" absorbed into the bloodstream through the nasal mucosa and the olfactory nerves and blood flow quickly and freely passes directly into the nervous tissue of the brain, eliminating unwanted drug interactions with other medications applied.

Semax at Recovering lost brain function after an ischemic stroke
Question - Is Effective Semax as secondary prevention of ischemic stroke?
A - Currently Semax 1% is one of the most effective drugs used to restore the lost functions of the brain after a stroke. Semax has a pronounced clinical benefit in the treatment, and in recovery from stroke.
However, you must remember, the sooner treatment is started, the more relevant the results will be obtained.

Paralysis of arms and legs after stroke - how to restore motor function?
Question - Can help Semax after suffering a stroke five years ago with partial lesion of the right arm and a leg?
A - 5-7 years ago it was believed that post-stroke recovery lasts approximately one year, and then there is the stabilization of the state of progress. It has now been shown that the recovery processes can stimulate about at any one time.
Semax 1% is an effective drug nootropic group recommended for the treatment and recovery after stroke.
A great advantage of the drug is to prevent recurrent stroke: the likelihood of stroke in patients receiving Semax decreases 2.5-3 times.
The recommended dosage regimen: "Semax % 1" to 2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day, 14 days, can repeat the course in 3-6 months.
In the future, it is recommended for the prevention of the use of "Semax 0,1%," according to the scheme: 3 drops in each nostril 3 times a day, a course of 14 days, 2-4 courses per year.

Semax at Recovering from a stroke
Q - Sometimes doctors recommend Semax only in the acute phase, and then in rehabilitation applications Semax does not make sense, is it?
Answer - When stroke "Semax 1%" is highly effective not only in the acute phase, but also in early recovery. In the future, we recommend using "Semax 0,1%" for prevention and rehabilitation.

Semax creates optimal conditions for the survival of neurons by activating them in the metabolic and plastic processes. Saved cells take on the functions of the dead, and thus reduces the degree of disability of a sick person.
An important effect of Semax is its positive effect on cognitive function, especially when the defeat of stroke: use Semax accelerates and enhances memory recovery, focus, mental and physical performance.

Semax and Glaucoma
Why Semax is used in ophthalmology, such as glaucoma
Question - Why Semax is suitable for the eyes and for the nerves? How it can help with glaucoma?
Answer - Yes, "and for the eyes and for the nerves" is used one and the same drug - "Semax 0,1%."
Semax - neuropeptide assistant nerve cells, normalises and restores their work. The main cause of blindness in glaucoma - this is the death of optic nerve fibers under the influence of the chain of pathological processes running high intraocular pressure. Even if the pressure in the eye leads to the normal process of progressive damage to the optic nerve does not stop immediately, but continues for some time.
Preparation "Semax 0.1%" has no effect on the intraocular pressure, but helps to prevent or reduce damage to the optic nerve and interrupt circuit changes running high intraocular pressure. The maximum result from the use of "Semax 0,1%" will be received subject to prior normalization of pressure in the eye with the help of medication (drugs that reduce intraocular pressure) or surgical treatment.

Semax at glaucoma against the background of non-normalized IOP
Question - Is it necessary to stabilize the IOP in glaucoma and then drip Semax? Or Semaxs take after surgery?
Answer - Semax shows effect in the treatment of glaucoma only background normalized intraocular pressure (IOP).
Semax itself does not affect the level of IOP, but the recovery of retinal functions damaged by elevated IOP. If medications can not normalize the IOP, then surgery is needed, and after surgery - Semax.
Please note, if even after normalizing operation IOP, glaucoma development continues because of the running processes of death of retinal cells, the surgery is extremely important to use Semax to this process as much as possible to slow down or stop.

Glaucoma 3 stages. Optic atrophy
Question - Do Semax will be effective in the third stage of glaucoma disease, can be prevented atrophy of the optic nerve? And how to take the drug?
Answer - You're right, Semax - not a panacea and if the fibers of the optic nerve or visual retinal cells are lost, it will not help.

However Semax:
- Protects from destruction still alive fibers and cells;
- Restores the functional activity of a large part of the optic nerve and visual cells in the retina fibers that glaucoma are at parabiosis (still alive, but do not work). Due to these cells and nerve fibers, which were to be killed, but when taking Semax recovered and earned, is the eye functions increase, including the field of view. Semax shown at any stage of glaucoma and in the background of any of the treatment.

In glaucoma, the eye and optic nerve atrophy Semax applied from 2000's. To date, it was held on 3 placebo-controlled studies (1999, 2001 and 2011) with the total number of patients more than 300 people.

Intranasal application used "Semax 0,1%» 3 drops in each nostril, 3 times a day. Recommended courses of 14 days every 3-6 months.

Semax for Improving memory and attention

Focus on work assignments and to adequately cope with the usual work is becoming increasingly difficult? The brain simply refuses to memorize large amounts of information? Improve memory, you can use nootropic drops "Semax 0,1%", which normalize the operation and interaction of brain cells.

Semax - Effective means for the brain
Semax for Improved memory and attention

You want to concentrate better at work or to receive the information? Innovative nootropic drops in the nose "Semax 0,1%" can effectively stimulate the process of improving memory and more successfully cope with the tasks. "Semax 0,1%" has a specific effect on the integrative functions of the brain and increases its resistance to damaging factors - such as stress and fatigue. This is due to the interaction normalization of brain cells - neurons. As a result, healthy people using "Semax 0,1%", observed improvement of memory and the increased focus that contributes to the high intellectual activity throughout the day.

Nootropics - Medicinal products intended to influence the higher functions of the brain. Improves memory, stimulates mental activity, enhance and facilitate the learning process.

Chronic fatigue - Status loss of activity and the ability to pursue any of the activities. It affects the physical and intellectual abilities, reducing the quality of life.

How does this happen?
"Semax 0,1%" contributes to the improvement of human memory in all three phases of education:

information processing proceeds to step brain
Systematization of the data
Retrieving information from memory

This complex action makes "Semax 0,1%" unique representative of a class of nootropics - new generation nootropic.
High efficiency and safety of the drug was confirmed by authoritative research and clinical use since 1994.
Semax Course admission is only 10 days, and improved memory is stored up to 3-6 months.

The intense pace of life and "Semax 0,1%"
On the daily intellectual activity, attentiveness and discipline is largely influenced by factors such as stress, nervousness, high mental stress. Therefore, a person who wants to improve attention and memory, thus increasing their intellectual performance, can use the appropriate means. If you can not reduce the load, taking medication can help the body to cope successfully with all the challenges. "Semax 0,1%" - this drug to improve memory, has integrated nootropic, neurometabolic and neurotrophic effect.

Neuro-metabolic effect - The ability of drugs directly or indirectly to improve the metabolism of the central nervous system.

Neurotrophic action - ability of drugs to maintain the viability of nerve cells - neurons.

Drip drop, or swallow pills to improve memory?
Release Form "Semax 0,1%" - nasal drops, so the drug has such an advantage, such as high bioavailability and lack of drug-drug interactions. For example, taking a capsule or pill to improve memory, it should be remembered that the effectiveness of such dosage forms release below and possible adverse interactions with other medications taken due to the passage of the active ingredient through the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

An additional advantage of intranasal administration - is to get the result as in the one-off admission and at course.

The effect of the exchange rate will be higher and persist longer, but also receive a one-time "Semax 0,1%" 30-60 minutes before an important event will allow a person to achieve improvement of attention, memory, and most focus on the task at hand.

Semax for Improving mental health

Permanent overload at work, challenges and problems, lack of sleep and lack of rest gradually lead to chronic nervous exhaustion and a noticeable decrease in mental performance.
Semax help to improve the situation and restore the lost brain activity can be in just 10 days.

Mental fatigue - the enemy of man
Improving mental health and stability of attention
Reduced mental capacity may be due to constant fatigue, lack of physical activity, violation of work and rest, chronic fatigue and the lack of a full annual holiday. When the brain gets tired and is in constant tension, do not force yourself to wait for memory impairment, loss of concentration and stability of attention, decreased performance.

Chronic fatigue - Status loss of activity and the ability to pursue any of the activities. It affects the physical and intellectual abilities, reducing the quality of life.
Innovative means "Semax 0,1%" enhances mental performance through increased brain activity and allows you to:

Increase the concentration and stability of attention; Remove mental fatigue; It is easier to process the information and will use it due to the influence on all stages of memory formation; Maintain fully operational and brain health, even under conditions of stress and fatigue; Restore the cycle sleep / wake; To reduce the impact on the nervous system hazards and stress.

"Semax 0,1%" - a simple and safe way to improve mental health and recovery of lost brain activity.

The hard life of the mind
Colossal incoming pressure of responsibility and challenges, "manager syndrome", in financial difficulties, disrupted daily routine, bad habits, unhealthy environment - all this is not the best way affects the human brain to the nerve cells and their interaction. In the brain and nerve pathways play a key role regulatory peptides, secreted by nerve cells. These agents regulate processes taking place in the brain. But the possibility of its own regulatory peptides are limited. Accumulating minor violations can lead to full-fledged serious diseases.

A coffee will not help?
Coffee, energy drinks and tonics, even if for a while and help to awaken the body, can cause serious damage in the future. And vitamins to improve memory efficiency, improve mental activity can be used as an addition to receiving the drug "Semax 0,1%."

Healthy lifestyle
Do not forget that "Semax 0,1%" promotes mental health, but it is no substitute for a healthy lifestyle, proper rest and proper nutrition - and this is an important step in the treatment of fatigue and related offenses.

Preservation of youth and brain health
Memory, attention, intellect - the higher brain functions. Healthy people are beginning to notice a decrease in their activity of approximately 35-40 years. Slow down or stop the deterioration of the brain age, correct sleep disorders, reduce mental fatigue helps "Semax 0,1%" - a drug that restores brain function.

Semax Nootropic - Creative engine
Improve memory and brain function

Saving mind clear and effective creative thinking available at any age, the elderly, and even in old age.

The preparation "Semax 0,1%" helps to improve brain function, preserving its young and active for many years at the expense of conservation and restoration of damaged relationships nerve cells in the brain, as well as their regeneration Tip. These nerve cells - neurons - are experiencing tremendous stress and need help. In his youth, it does not usually think, but in old age and old age, the administration of drugs for the brain becomes a vital necessity. With age, people need to purposefully strive for improving brain health in order to maintain their intellectual abilities into old age. After all, a healthy, fully functioning mind and the brain as a physical manifestation of his make us who we are.

Alarm bells come with age
The development of many age-related undesirable changes in the brain can be prevented - it is important not to miss the appearance of the first warning signs. The main symptoms of which began in the brain aging process are memory impairment, slight at first, scattering attention and problems with his concentration, blurred vision, hearing loss, fatigue, dizziness, frequent headaches, sleep disturbances, severe recovery after illness, and so on. All these manifestations - an occasion to reflect on the medication to improve brain function. Modern medicine offers a wide variety of products and forms of their release - as a tablet for the brain, and drugs in the form of injections, but there is a way to more modern and better.

Semax Spray - Intranasal - it is effective and convenient
The preparation "Semax Spray 0,1%" - a drop in the nose. This form has a number of advantages:

Lack of drug-drug interactions - the elderly and often taking different sets of tablets of the brain, heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, etc.
High bioavailability - 60-70%
The speed of onset of effect - treatment takes only 10 days

The older people get, the more we appreciate life and its joys. The years do not add health to us. After all, nothing so depressing as the feeling of being lost forgotten or something important and necessary. Therefore, not only to preserve but also to improve memory and brain function, it is possible to use the preparation " N acetyl Semax 0,1%."

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Semax Nasal Spray

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