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Much of the fight against doping is as shameful

04 Aug 2016

Vice President of the Russian Wrestling Federation Alikhan Harthy - about the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro 2016

Very soon, on Friday, 5 August, in Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games start. It is difficult to argue: the situation in Russia is now worse than before. The fight for the medals will not begin with the opening of the competition, it is already underway.

In this context, let me remind you that many of the "clean" athletes, especially athletes, have been excluded from the Games. So, there is probably a reason to agree with Elena Isinbayeva, two-time Olympic champion in the pole vault, saying that those who win medals in those disciplines where the strongest will not have to feel inferior champions.

The pressure element on Russian athletes to the competition is felt, of course, and in the struggle. At least judging by the fact how many doping tests taken from our - and sometimes doing it at night, when athletes need to sleep. This perseverance deserves agree other applications.

If we have seen that the anti-doping officers are fighting for the truth - it is a conversation, but there is no such certainty. Moreover, it does not smell. And it's unfortunate. Attack it to Russia on all fronts. And I tell you, nothing is done. Because that's that, and protect themselves and their borders, our country has always known how. Today, moreover, is not the 90s, when there was no such unity in society ...

Much of what happens in the so-called war on doping is as shameful. First amnestied those who foolishly got to Meldonium (Mildronate), and now again punish accidents. At least it's undignified. It's good, is not it came to the removal of the entire Russian team, which helped, as I understand, decency head of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach.

Or take the situation in the weight category up to 57 kg freestyle wrestling, where we Viktor Lebedev has been declared. The license is not a noun, derived on Russia - so why, when it decided to suspend due to the long history of doping, we were not allowed to declare Victor instead of another athlete?

In the weight category up to 59 kg in Greco-Roman wrestling Ibrahim Labazanov began tugging at the insufficient number of doping tests, though he earned a trip to the Olympic Games.

However, I should note that I hope for all our fighters. Everyone is able to qualify for a medal of any value, but some say about separately. Always heartily sick of the Olympic champion Roman Vlasov 2012 (up to 75 kg category at the "Greco-Roman"), a real man, no life of its conflicts do not knock out of the saddle. I hope in the weight category up to 98 kg of Islam Magomedov, who won the competition in such a strong opponent, Nikita Melnikov. What is good in the category up to 66 kg Islam Beg Album - I think he's even better than in 2008, when he won the Olympic Games in Beijing. He became more experienced, but struggles clearly: no opponent did not leave at the European Championships, which have not thrown across the back.

At the same wrestlers please note Anzor Boltukaeva (up to 97 kg), which may well speak in Rio triumphantly. In 2016 Russian Championship, he proved the superiority of the most experienced Khadzhimurat Gatsalovym, the Olympic champion took a stranglehold! Some might say that the tournament was not enough Abdusalamov Gadisova, but I think, Anzor and Abusika would win ...

And, of course, will be rooting for our girls, we admonished recently in Sochi. Firstly, they are beautiful when you see them, for example, during the reception, you would never guess that this athlete. These ladies who are dressed and beautiful, and behave appropriately. Secondly, they show themselves on the carpet is excellent, and even that Vorobiev Natasha is able to repeat the success of London and win a gold medal, there is little doubt in the world. And it must be noted that they have great coaches. Irbek Farnham, Zaur Botha, Ramil Islamov - happy people, they were lucky not to work under the direction of someone else, but Yuri Avanesovicha Shakhmuradov, which except Professor Wrestling is not called. And their supervisor, the first vice-president of the Russian Wrestling Federation (PBS) Omar Magomedovich Murtuzaliev - how he intelligent and sensitive person, as far as the struggle of living!

... But in general, you know, is now the key moment, when we have to avoid any discord, all of the same wall must come forward and show the world that we are indivisible and can not be broken. Yes, we see that unfairly debarred athletes, but it is in this situation and need to rally around our team, our country and our president.

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