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Mildronate will Fit to the Athletes and to the Cardiac

25 May 2016

My own Experience!

The drug Mildronate in Russia prescribed intravenous injections, or else in capsules inside. I had the opportunity to experience both the method of application.

Intravenously I stabbed Meldonium while in hospital ophthalmology department of my city, in complex treatment of high degree of myopia. But the capsule of Mildronats were already prescribed for home usage.

To whom Mildronate is prescribed:

- In the complex therapy of ischemic heart disease (angina, myocardial infarction), congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy dyshormonal;

- In the complex treatment of subacute and chronic cerebrovascular events (stroke and cerebrovascular insufficiency);

- Reduced performance;

- Mental and physical stress (including the athletes);

- Abstinence syndrome in chronic alcoholism (in combination with specific alcoholism therapy).

The range of indications for this drug is quite wide, as you can see - and alcoholism, it was appointed, and cores, and athletes.

I was prescribed Mildronate 500mg to improve blood circulation in connection with cervical osteochondrosis. Prescribed in combination with B vitamins injections , and nootropics such as: Noopept and Semax. This set of drugs has helped me very well – headaches left me, to get up in the morning has become very easy and cheerful, visual acuity drop of rose! The head really begins to think faster, I begin to feel kind of optimism.

So Mildronate 500mg is certainly good - but it is important to use it in the complex with other drugs, and to competent selection of complex drugs one need a good doctor!

I want to mention a minus of Mildronate 500 mg is its cost. The drug is not cheap, and you must take quite a long time. But Mildronate 500 is not a dummy, if the doctor has appointed - it is better to drink, the result you will notice a must!

I wish you all good health!

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