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Mildronate Just to Maintain Strength

05 Jun 2016

Pros of Meldonium: Improves overall condition.

It so happens that some time ago, my husband and I almost simultaneously recommended by two different doctor (cardiologist and therapist) to buy a course of well-known Latvian drug Grindex Mildronate.

Briefly repeat how exactly the drug works. Mildronate improves oxygenation of cells (as I understand), there is detox of body and improves metabolism. Hence purpose of mildronate is as in cardiology for improvement of cardiac and in the treatment to enhance body resistance to diseases. Also mildronate appoint to athletes at high loads, and yet there is the use of this drug as its reception in alcohol intoxication.

I noticed that is very helpful to drink a course Mildronate during periods of spread of viral diseases. Most likely will not be infected at all or suffer disease easily.

Also, doing fitness, you feel how fast improving its own sports uniforms, after a course of reception of this substance.

Thank you for attention.

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