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Mildronate is great for heart support

13 Oct 2016

My mother is 73 years old, she underwent surgery to remove the gallbladder (laparoscopy), a long time she did not agree, but I had to, and after surgery to maintain heart in a tone as she suffers from arrhythmia, she was appointed Mildronate (Meldonium). You understand that in this age is already very difficult to tolerate general anesthesia, although it and prepared before surgery within a week, injections and drip.

Mildronate is a cardioprotective agent which is prescribed for heart failure (including chronic), as well as violations of cerebral circulation, as well as after previous surgical interventions, in order to maintain the tone of the heart. Mildronate is available in capsules and as ready for injection injections. Mother drank the capsule, she was appointed 1 capsule of Mildronate, three times a day, but only the first three days and then 1 pills, twice a day (morning and evening before meals) for two weeks.

The dosage of the drug in a purely individual and is directly dependent on your condition, with the dosage, one should be careful and not to self-medicate, better to consult a doctor. Once she had the surgery in the first days my mother was a weak pulse, and greatly decreased blood pressure, although it has always increased pressure in the main. After a course of Mildronate treatment, pressure was restored and became normal. Although Mildronate has some side effects, to my mother, they were not observed, it is very well underwent a course of treatment.

Be healthy!

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