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Mildronate injections and Mildronate 500 mg. My own Expereince

03 Jun 2016

Hello! It is not often I write reviews on medicines, but also their experience of using this drug consider myself simply have to share, because I know that so many people suffer from the same symptoms and I myself bought Mildronate (Meldonium) not only because the doctor has prescribed, but also because, I had read about him a lot of information, including reviews.


My lifestyle basically is a sedentary one. from 9 to 18 I'm working at the computer in the morning, I go to work an hour, an hour - from work (usually sitting). I sleep 7-8 hours a day, it is enough for me. In the last year I began to suffer from headaches, which appeared over the weekend when I sleep longer. The head also began to react with pain to weather changes. The pain is dull, arching, not localized in any area. During the pain it seems to be what I see worse. Pain is relieved by Spazgan, but it does not always help.


I was surveyed at the therapist, neurologist, ophthalmologist. I take a picture of the cervical spine: the norm. Duplex neck veins: the norm. At the reception at the neurologist did not get his left hand in the tip of the nose)))

The diagnosis: cerebral angiograms dystonia, ie narrowing of vessels of a brain, a violation of its oxygen supply.

The final scheme of treatment is chosen by a neurologist. It included the B vitamins and drugs to vessels:

- Lucetam - 10 ml intravenous injection ¹10

Mildronate injection - 5 ml ¹10

- Actovegin injection - 200 ml intramuscular injection ¹10

- Vitamin B6 intramuscular injection - 50 ml by every other day ¹5

- After the injections - Pantogam 1 tablet 3 times a day for a month.

Optometrist additionally prescribed vitamins and drops Semax and Irifrin (for those who have poor eyesight and eyes get tired from work at the computer, I highly recommend to read about them!)

Some words about Mildronate injection:

For me it was important the following:

  • Meldonium replenishment of cells oxygen demand
  • Mildronate help the body at high loads and stresses
  • Meldonium improving blood supply to the brain
  • Mildronats increase mental and physical performance

There were no contraindications specifically for me.


After the injections of Mildronate, and after taking the capsules Mildronate 500mg I have no particular sensation. Overall, there was increased activity, chronic fatigue has gone on the back burner, I got better sleep and better to work. By the way, it is not recommended to take Mildronate in the second half of the day to avoid insomnia.

Throughout the treatment period, and about a month after the headaches did not bother me (before taking the last pill of Pantogam).

There were no weird things like improving memory, mood, etc. I have not noticed. But overall performance and ability to withstand stress, stressful situation has improved.

I have not noticed any side effect.

As a result of the treatment of an eye the doctor concluded that I began to see beyond half a meter, vascular pattern of the fundus improved. The neurologist concluded that there is a general improvement, but because of vascular dystonia, from which one can not escape, since it is, headaches as a reaction to stress, changes in the weather will occur. The course of treatment is recommended to take me 2 times a year, and Phenylpiracetam is prescribed now.

I'm happy with the treatment and would recommend to those who have similar problems, consult your doctor about these medications.

I wish you a well-being!!!

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