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Mildronate Diabetes - New approaches to the treatment of diabetes, heart disease, cerebral and vascular system

24 Feb 2017

Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and its complications are acute social problem in many countries. Especially alarming growth in the number of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Thus, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), each year about 15 million strokes worldwide, and cardiovascular diseases remain one of the main risk factors for disability and mortality. You can buy Mildronate.

According to experts, the constant search for new approaches to treatment is required such serious diseases, including not only treatment, but also prevention.

In particular, these issues was devoted to held in May of this year conference "cardiometabolic disease - slow killer of mankind", which took place in Chisinau (Moldova). The conference discussed a number of topical issues of occurrence, treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart, brain and blood vessels.

The conference noted the importance of preventive measures in preventing the occurrence of such diseases, the positive effect of the original drug Mildronate «Grindeks» in the complex treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

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