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Mildronat 500mg

22 Dec 2016

Mildronat 500mg drug in the sport - one of the most discussed topics in the world and domestic media. This drug, once included in the list of permitted substances for athletes, officially recognized Doping World Anti Doping Agency (WADA). Meanwhile, most domestic scholars and experts on sports nutrition does not agree with the decision of the organization and consider Mildronat 500mg a harmless drug, unrelated to the stimulants of physical activity.

Mildronat 500mg

Try to understand what Mildronat 500mg is, how this drug works, what the benefits and harms Mildronat 500mg why athletes take it and why Mildronat 500mg is admitted doping. Consider also the history of drug and find out what are the areas of its application.

Mildronat 500mg - General information, history of creation

The drug is a metabolic means known in medicine as "Mildonium". Action of Mildronat 500mg on the body - stimulating and protecting: the substance normalizes cell work exposed hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), or food shortages.

In medicine, the drug Mildronat 500mg is used quite widely: for example, it is part of a comprehensive drug therapy for coronary heart disease (coronary artery disease), heart attack and heart failure. In the Russian Federation in 2012 are included in the list of essential medicines.

Mildronat 500mg was obtained in 1970 in the Latvian SSR in Organic Synthesis Institute. Initially the device was patented as a stimulator of growth of domestic animals and birds and is used in agriculture and industry. The creator of the drug Professor Ivars Kalvins argues that the idea of using Mildronat 500mg at medicine arose after its prolonged use in other industries.

In 1984, the drug Mildronat 500mg was patented in the US, but is banned for use in a few years. Analogs of Mildronat 500mg in the United States there, but to get them in ordinary drugstores practically impossible, although in terms of the effectiveness of medical Mildronat 500mg is no doubt among doctors and pharmacists.

Application of Mildronat 500mg in medicine - readings, release forms, pharmacological action
Mildronat 500mg is a white powder with a pronounced crystalline structure. Preparations available in tablet form – 500 mg.

Indications for use Mildronat 500mg are:
Cardiac ischemia;
Heart failure;
Nervous and physical exhaustion;
Reduced working capacity as a result of excessive loads;
The postoperative period (to accelerate recovery);
Lack of blood circulation;
Abstinence in alcoholism stages 2-3;
Chronic bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases accompanied by oxygen deficiency;
Ophthalmic (eye) disease (retinopathy, thrombosis, ocular veins, bleeding in the retina);
Complications of diabetes.

Application of Mildronat 500mg in sports is justified by its stimulating effect, but it is believed that perfectly healthy people to use this medication impractical.

The active substance of Mildronat 500mg accelerates the synthesis and movement of ATP in cellular structures, which positively affects the function and energy status of cells and tissues themselves. When myocardial substance slows irreversible necrosis of heart muscle and improves circulation of any etiology in stroke and ischemia. When hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) product helps to deliver oxygen to the cells according to their needs in such.

Tablet form of the drug is well absorbed in the digestive tract. Bioavailability of drugs - 78%, the maximum content of active substance in the blood is reached after 60-90 min. after reception. Withdrawal times of Mildronat 500mg excreted - 12-24 hours, but certain tests can detect a substance in the body even after 120 days after application.

Contraindications of Mildronat 500mg

The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, children up to 18 years (in the absence of clinical trials), people with individual intolerance to the active component or an auxiliary drug substances. Do not use without a doctor's appointment. When possible overdose gastric disorders, tachycardia, pressure surges, allergic skin reactions such as redness, itching, swelling.

In recent years, seriously study the effect of Mildronat 500mg on the body of diabetics. During animal testing revealed that the substance is able to lower the plasma glucose concentration without affecting the level of insulin. Along the way, it reduces the risk of acidosis and other consequences of metabolic disorders.

Mildronat 500mg - the use in sports

Mildronat 500mg at bodybuilding and sport is used not so long ago. Most athletes until recently referred to the drug as a vitamin agent has no effect on athletic performance. Meldonium Doping scandal changed attitude to the drug in the Russian sport. Now the matter is officially referred to the class of hormones and modulators of metabolism, and its use is prohibited during the competitions and in preparation for it.

Why do athletes take Mildronat 500mg ? Domestic and some foreign experts in sports nutrition and pharmacology claim that Mildronat 500mg has always been used by athletes as a means to adapt to the increased load and speed up recovery after a hard training, but never taken to stimulate and increase physical abilities.


Not all experts agree with the statement that meldonium - it affects the doping and increase performance in athletes. But there are a number of incontestable factors related to this drug. Here are the most important ones:

Meldonium effectively used as medicines for cardiac ailments and other pathologies.
Scale study to confirm the drug's effects (or lack thereof) of endurance, not spent. This casts doubt on the WADA definite conclusions about the presence of meldonium expressed doping properties.
Healthy people should refrain from unauthorized use Mildronat 500mg as a stimulant with physical and mental stress.
The drug has a positive effect on the health of athletes who have medical problems of cardiovascular nature, but does not guarantee victory in the competition.

It is clear that to take Mildronat 500mg for athletes and its analogues is not recommended until after the doping scandal. But the people who are assigned to this group of medicines by qualified doctors, should continue treatment without fear of negative consequences.

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