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Mexidol helped lots of time

28 Jun 2016

Advantages of Mexidol: Effective doping drug

The disease - is an unnatural state of human. When it comes in our lives pain, disturbed the rhythm and people focus only on how to get rid of the pain and restore their health.

Our family has long been familiar with injections of "Mexidol". When my husband in 2008 had an accident, he suffered a serious injury - brain contusion and hemorrhage. He was unconscious for several days.

He laid for 2 months in the neurology department of the regional hospital. After the discharge the doctor recommended him to undergo treatment and take shots of "Mexidol". This drug improves blood circulation. We did a MRI of the brain to these injections and then after. The tomography showed a significant improvement of the brain condition of my husband. And then we have every year necessarily to take Mexidol injections.

At work, my collaborators have frequent fainting and very low blood pressure, and it is also a doctor prescribed similar shots of Mexidol injection after that health status were also improved.

And recently, my mother in law started nervous character disorder, which was accompanied by fears and anxiety of her mind.

The doctor attributed to her the same Mexidol shots.

Do they need to once a day until dinner.

There are 10 vials of 2 grams in the package

Shelf life of Mexidol - 3 years

Mexidol may be administered either intravenously or intramuscularly. Provided inside the package instructions describing the action of the drug and its side effects.

By the way, compared with the other drugs I was surprised that the side effects of this drug is written only one line. There are only few side effects. I meet this at first time.

Mexidol is a real good medicine. I wish you all have the need to use it.

Be healthy! And thank you all for your attention.

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