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Methyltestosterone (Androral)

22 Nov 2016

Methyltestosterone (Androral) - testosterone in tablets

Methyltestosterone (Androral is also known under trademark) - synthetic testosterone in tablets which at the expense of metilny group in alfa-17 the line item doesn't collapse in a liver however this modification does it very toxic for a liver. Methyltestosterone is one of the oldest anabolic steroids.

Methyltestosterone (Androral) - testosterone in tablets

Trademarks of Metilteststeron (analogs): Androral, Stenendiol, Testoral, Glosso-Sterandryl, Methyltestosterone, Oraviron, Hormale, Madiol, Malogen, Metandren, Oreton M, etc.

Methyltestosterone has a chemical formula: 17α- methyltestosterone -4-ol-17β-on-3

Physically Androral represents: colourless crystals, badly soluble in water.

In the medical purposes Metiltestosteron is used for treatment of reduced function of testicles (the lowered products of own testosterone), and also in case of breast cancer at women as replacement of testosterone in the form of tablets for intake and it is sublingual (under language), more convenient in application. You can try Gliatilin.

Androral - side effects

Androral causes serious side effects: high toxicity for a liver, and also androgenic and estrogenic (due to conversion in estrogen) side effects - ginekomastia, the increased arterial pressure, accumulating of liquid in an organism, an acne, a prostate hypertrophy.

Metiltestosteron isn't recommended to apply "attention" in bodybuilding as there are safer and effective anabolic steroids. Medicine possesses weak anabolic action.

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