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Methods of treating cancer

01 Nov 2016

Biophysicist Dr. Doping tells about the deception of the immune system, cancers and orphan drugs

What are human genes to help develop the cancer cells? What today there are methods to control cancer? And what methods are being developed to treat this disease?

Every adult healthy person has a million cancer cells that are in balance with the body and permanently identified and destroyed by cells of the immune system. However, with age, the number of possible errors in the execution of the genetic program begins to grow, and at some point the amount of stress and measures to be taken by the body is greater than the possibility of damage to control systems, and at this point the cancer cells are knocked loose. By all indications, it is the cells of the same organism. At first, they have the same genetic code as all other human cells, and it does not allow the protective systems to quickly identify them.

Cancer cells use a completely different way of breathing. When the immune system is trying to kill a particular cell of the organism, cell death occurs through the destruction of the mitochondria - a special organelle of the cell, which is responsible for energy production. Those cancer cells that have managed to shut down the mitochondria, or get rid of it, can not be killed in this way, so after a few weeks or months after the onset of a cancerous disease in humans, almost all "breathe" the cancer cells without mitochondria and therefore use a completely different mechanism for energy, which is called "glycolysis". Drugs that have turned off glycolysis allowed to leave cancer cells starved and kill them either alone or in combination with other drugs. It is in this way recently in doklinike and the early phases of clinical trials, progress has been made with the drugs that control various forms of cancer metabolism.

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Until now, no data other than testing on animals, that this approach or an approach that is associated with immune therapy, allow one day to talk about the possibilities of treatment of cancer patients, but the fact that to develop targeted drugs against attempts last decades for a narrow group of people against specific markers again begin to move in the direction of a universal search of cancer drugs with a wide effect, it allows us to hope that sooner or later the disease will be controlled. We hope to live up to the moment when it will be fully cured.

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