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Methods for diagnosing disorders of the hemostatic system

23 Oct 2016

Biophysicist Dr. Doping told about innovations in medicine, there is a test on blood clotting and identifying thrombosis risk. Why are existing methods of diagnostics of blood clotting problems do not meet the researchers? As a developing understanding of the hemostatic system? And what are today developed diagnostic methods for hemostatic disorders?

In the field of medicine that deals with the state of human coagulation or hemostasis system, all complex systems involved in stopping the bleeding, now there is a huge dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the first diagnosis. Doctors all over the world say directly that the current state of research methods clotting extremely unsatisfactory. The man at the fence blood can clot directly in a syringe needle, but diagnostic tests show that he's all right. A person may have severe bleeding, and diagnostic tests can not detect.

At the end of the 80s picture of the hemostatic system works more or less developed, and it became clear that the existing tests work very badly. On the one hand, people have tried to get around this by complicating the test, that is, they are gradually supplemented kakimi-to modifications, variants, other types of tests, has not yet appeared what is now called coagulogram - more or less well-established set of dozens of tests, which will allow very experienced doctor to give an idea of how the hemostatic system. Unfortunately, there are things that coagulation, in principle, does not see and can not see, such as an increased tendency to thrombosis. The risk of thrombosis, which is one of the deadly threats to human coagulation hardly sees.

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The fact that the process of hemostasis - essentially spatial process. If you have an injury, you will need to make a "cap" at the injury site, in any case, not more. If you do it on, break the blood supply to any organ. It is impossible to mimic in vitro, where there is complete mixing, you need a spatially inhomogeneous system. It has been developed - initially for basic research, and then to the application - such a system, in which the activation of the coagulation process occurs locally nano to tissue factor. It spreads out the coagulation process plasma in the space. After several years of searching for the people who would be able to support this system, we have managed to get support from the "Rosnano" and start a company "GemaKor", which was engaged in the commercialization of the system. Now this test is available at leading hematology and cardiovascular clinics in Russia.

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