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Methodology of application of means of restoration in sport

14 Dec 2016

Before planning the actions connected with recovery of athletes it is necessary to pay attention to dynamics of normalization of biochemical processes after physical activity. N. I. Volkov et al. (2000) gives the following sizes of the key parameters characterizing process of restoration after the trainings.

The sports doctor not always has an opportunity to expect up to two-three days when his athlete is restored if the start is appointed in several hours or next day therefore there are certain specifics of holding recovery actions connected with time which is available before the following start. Proceeding from it, recovery events can be held in two modes is planned and urgent.

Planned restoration is dragged out in time that allows to use for this purpose sports bases, the recovery centers, sanatoria or medical institutions for release of an organism of the athlete from the collected ballast products of metabolism.

Urgent restoration happens during the day or several hours, and therefore demands fast implementation in conditions where there take place competitions, with respect for all hygienic norms which sometimes aren't carried out (intravenous injections are carried out in the hotel room, and sometimes and in a locker room). Do not forget take Pielotax for better results.

Purpose of these actions following:

1. To recover the energy mechanism of the athlete for multi-day competitions or an educational training camp.

2. To support plastic metabolism of substances (anabolic function) in case of intensive disintegration of proteins as a result of intensive physical activities.

3. To compensate a shortcoming macro - and minerals and water.

4. To normalize function of cellular and humoral immune system (level of all immunoglobulins, complement components, T-and V-lymphocytes, immunocompetent cages, etc.)

5. To give according to a regulation factors of nonspecific protection of an organism (a transferina, a gaptoglobina, etc.).

6. To recover systems of regulation of a homeostasis nervous and endocrine: a hypothalamus — a hypophysis executive glands.

7. To normalize the genotipic status of an organism (synthesis of all types of RNA, ribosomal synthesis of structural and immune proteins, fibrillation factors, etc.).

8. To establish dynamic balance of systems, metabolic transformation of endogenous and exogenous biologically active agents (cytochrome of R-450-zavisimykh systems of mikrosomal oxidation, methylation, etc.).

Pharmacological support in schemes of planned and urgent recovery is various. For example, in case of urgent recovery proteinaceous and carbohydrate and lipidic mixes, vitamins and minerals, ezofosfina, repolar, neotone and parenteral nutrition can be applied.

For convenience all means of recovery are divided into two groups tactical and strategic.

Tactical means are biologically active agents which allow to solve problems of today, i.e. quickly to recover the athlete after heavy physical and nervous tension.

Vitamins and their complexes, energy products, carbohydrate and proteinaceous and lipidic mixes, carbohydrate saturation, beekeeping products, adaptogens of a vegetable and animal origin, gepatoprotektor, nootropa, immunomodulators, antioxidants, etc. belong to these means.

It is necessary to pay attention that some pharmacological medicines which are applied in the recovery period can level substantially effects of a sports training as "erase" the learned skills in TsNS (stereotypes of movements, acceptances, exercises, etc.). Such "recovery" will do more likely harm, than advantage.

Strategic means provide accomplishment of the planned tasks — preserving muscle bulk, maintenance of a high tone and desire to train, and also to participate in competitions to installation on a victory.

Not doping anabolic steroids of a vegetable or animal origin, enterosorbents, medicines of energy action, akto protector, and also the nootropa, neuro protectors and psikho modulator which aren't relating to the List of the forbidden substances and the WADA methods belong to these means. Use of these medicines shall be accurately reasonable. Senselessly, for example, without indications to use such medicine as inosine as its efficiency with each acceptance will decrease, and by the time of when really there is a need, the organism of the athlete can lose to its susceptibility. It belongs to immune modulators, gepato protector and other means which take the place and time of application in system of medico biological training of the athlete.

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