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20 Nov 2016

Bioinformatics Dr. Doping tells about the features of the human microflora and its symbiosis with bacteria and their means of transportation.

What metagenomics and metagenom? What kinds of bacteria there are, and how they learn? How many human bacterial cells? And why a person depends on the bacteria?

The total genome of a community of organisms called metagenome. For example, there metagenom bacteria is living in the human mouth. In fact, it is not very accurate, because in the dental plaques live one community, the language on top of the other lives, from the bottom - the third and so on. It was suspected that the bacterial communities are very diverse, but there was no good way to describe this diversity.

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Man is this symbiotic organism, because we are from bacteria that live in us, are very dependent. For example, they interact with our immune system. Many autoimmune diseases, particularly autoimmune bowel disease, are a consequence of poverty bacterial flora: the immune system begins to run dry. To some extent, our bacteria protect against pathogens: if you have a healthy bacterial community, and you have got into the intestine pathogenic bacteria, they will not be able to penetrate into this community.

There are quite a large group of bacteria, the so-called opportunistic, which are always present and normally no effect on a person do not have, and the weakening of the body with high doses of antibiotics, when changing the microflora or have problems with immunity, they begin to cause disease.

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