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Meldonium: True Energy

19 May 2016

If you are reading this article in the first half of 2016, you need to be aware of the sensational in the last few months the drug - meldonium. It is actively used by professional athletes and seems to be really effective, since in 2016 it was considered as a doping agent. The Number of disqualified only for the first 3 months looks quite impressive. But how it works, due to which it has gained such popularity and to whom it might be useful?

Meldonium (Mildronate) appeared in 1970 in Latvia for the treatment of heart disease. But it gained the greatest popularity in the CIS countries, the popularity is now growing rapidly.

How Meldonium works

In general, this drug has a basic mechanism of action that results in a wide variety of properties. Next quote from the manual: "It inhibits the enzyme gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase, reduces the synthesis of carnitine and transport of long-chain fatty acids across cell membranes, prevents the accumulation in the cells of the activated forms of oxygenated fatty acids (including acylcarnitine, blocking the delivery of ATP to the cell organelles)".

Now we will translate:

- Inhibition means preventing, prohibiting actions. Sleep is an inhibitor of the state of cheerfulness and alertness, and vodka - is an inhibitor of adequacy.

- Carnitine. The famous sports supplement is positioned as a fat burner. Powered by transport (transfer) into cells of fatty acids for energy. Sense: fatty acids in certain ratio not deposited somewhere on the abdomen, and moved and split energy storage within the cells. The addition is very useful for those who are on a diet and / or has a lot of calories during the day (not sitting in a chair 8-12 hours).

- The enzyme gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase is the substance that triggers the establishment of carnitine from gamma-butyrobetaine.

Combine: Meldonium prevents the creation of carnitine, which prevents the use of fat as an energy source.

Why then meldonium is so effective?

Remember about the current drug treatment facility - Cardiovascular system. Heart muscle cells produce energy by 60-80% of the fatty acids and 20-40% of glucose. Meldonium (mildronate) allows you to focus on energy production, mainly through glucose. In this process it begins to require more oxygen. Thus, Meldonium rebuilds cell metabolism and improves the energy supply in the first place - the heart cells.

The course of Mildronate (meldonium)

The main contraindication for use - High blood pressure. Naturally, it is better not to experiment with any tablets in childhood, do not use by pregnant and lactating women. Side effects - agitation, tachycardia and other signs of increased efficiency. There are several states of this substance, will focus on the capsules. The exact duration of reception is not set. It recommended intake in the first half of the day or 5 hours before sleep, because the half-life of 4-5 hours Meldonium. The course consists of tablets of 250 mg, 2-4 times a day.

Effects of Meldonium

- In addition to the appointment of doctors, the drug may be useful for athletes with a focus on muscular endurance.

- It is interesting also to improve mental abilities, because the brain likes to consume energy. And if it would be more, and work more productively take place.

- Reduces fatigue.

- Improves the transport of glucose and oxygen.

- Anti-asthenic action.

- Helps people with high body weight or heart disease.

What can be combined with Mildronate?

The issue is complex. Meldonium changes the energy in the direction of glucose and oxygen, so if you practice different ketogenic diet, or any other "carbohydrate-free", the effect is likely to get mixed. With Meldonium the foreground is carbohydrates and oxygen. That is why it is so popular in sports with prolonged exertion: boxing, running, gymnastics, biathlon, tennis, football, swimming etc.

Intellectual activity also requires large amounts of glucose – meldonium is very useful.

On this basis, we can say that Meldonium is perfectly combined with high mental or physical activities and high consumption of carbohydrates.

Carnitine, or L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine is the complete opposite. Taking these supplements becomes perhaps even dangerous. I did not find such studies, however, carnitine enhances the absorption of fatty acids for energy and meldonium limits this effect and enhances the effect of glucose and oxygen. And the co-administration of such additives looks very strange.

Meldonium should help other substances that improve the energy education in the Krebs cycle, that is: Mexidol, Succinic acid, Idebenone, Coenzyme Q10, Caffeine, etc.

It is not clear interaction with stimulants and sedatives. On the one hand, meldonium not affect the neurotransmitter transmission and can even speed up the brain, though calm. On the other hand, the drug releases energy and stimulants preferable.

Prohibition of Meldonium

The world is still a huge influence and power of finance and meldonium was banned, most likely due to the benefit of third parties. It is not so dangerous, according to the mechanism of action. Furthermore, even in the last 5 years history knows many examples of slander really working substances, most notably in the sports nutrition market and pharmacology, which operate on huge money.

Quote scientist creator of mildronate:

"I think that this lobby of manufacturers of carnitines. This drug is a common nutritional supplement used by athletes, bodybuilders. Our group, which once developed meldonium, cocnluded that carnitine - not a harmless remedy, it may affect the development of atherosclerosis. “


- In addition to the direct appointment of a physician, Meldonium useful for people engaged in heavy physical labor or mental, as well as athletes.

- Powered by reconfiguring the cell metabolism toward greater consumption of glucose and oxygen and less - fat. The complete opposite of carnitine.

- The main effect is an increase in productivity.

- The capsule is taken on 500-1000 mg per day, the duration of the individual.

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